Research Grants 19/24349-9 - Filogenia, Biodiversidade - BV FAPESP
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Assessing the effects of past and future climate change on Amazonian biodiversity (CLAMBIO)


Climate change affects life at all levels, from genetic structure of animal and plant populations to socio-economic organization of human communities. For Amazonia, current models project warmer and drier climates, which could make large areas unsuitable for species adapted to moist rainforest conditions and increase the susceptibility of vegetation to wildfires, thereby promoting savannization. This, in turn, would reduce biodiversity, biomass, carbon storage and productivity of the forests, as well as further reduce local rainfall and affect river water levels through impacts on water circulation. Climate has changed also in the past, which has probably caused reorganizations of the Amazonian biota. Studies on these past events can help to estimate possible impacts of climate change in the future. We will integrate data on species distributions, genomics and community phylogenetics to reconstruct the recent demographic history of populations in selected plant and animal groups, and infer how past climate changes have impacted habitat stability, dispersal and local extinctions. Present-day environmental data will be used to characterise suitable habitats and identify the most important constraints on the plant and animal species distributions, and to model how the distributions of suitable habitats may change in the future, given current climate scenarios and the likely increasing risk of forest fires. These results will be integrated to estimate the degree of both uniqueness and vulnerability of biological communities across Amazonia. Because riverine and indigenous peoples depend on the forests for their livelihoods, the studies will be made in close collaboration with organisations of the indigenous peoples in the catchment areas of two major rivers, the Xingu and Rio Negro. The project aims simultaneously to produce new understanding of likely impacts of climate change on Amazonian biodiversity, identify possible mitigation strategies, and assist the affected peoples in recognising the trends and communicating their needs to the policymakers. (AU)

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Scientific publications (30)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
DIAS, BRUNA B.; PIOTROWSKI, ALEXANDER M.; BARBOSA, CATIA F.; VENANCIO, IGOR M.; CHIESSI, CRISTIANO M.; ALBUQUERQUE, ANA LUIZA S.. Coupled changes in western South Atlantic carbon sequestration and particle reactive element cycling during millennial-scale Holocene climate variability. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 11, n. 1, . (20/11452-3, 18/15123-4, 19/24349-9)
NASCIMENTO, R. A.; VENANCIO, I. M.; CHIESSI, C. M.; BALLALAI, J. M.; KUHNERT, H.; JOHNSTONE, H.; SANTOS, T. P.; PRANGE, M.; GOVIN, A.; CRIVELLARI, S.; et al. Tropical Atlantic stratification response to late Quaternary precessional forcing. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 568, . (18/15123-4, 19/24349-9)
FERREIRA, FABRICIO; SILVA, CLEVERSON G.; OLIVEIRA, ALLAN S.; CHIESSI, CRISTIANO M.; KERN, ANDREA K.; BAKER, PAUL A.; DWYER, GARY; RIGSBY, CATHERINE A.; HUANG, ENQING; TIAN, JUN. Biochronostratigraphy of the western equatorial Atlantic for the last 1.93 Ma. QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL, v. 598, p. 24-37, . (14/05582-0, 19/24349-9, 18/15123-4, 15/18314-7)
HAEGGI, C.; HOPMANS, E. C.; SCHEFUSS, E.; SAWAKUCHI, A. O.; SCHREUDER, L. T.; BERTASSOLI, D. J. JR JR; CHIESSI, C. M.; MULITZA, S.; SAWAKUCHI, H. O.; BAKER, P. A.; et al. Negligible Quantities of Particulate Low-Temperature Pyrogenic Carbon Reach the Atlantic Ocean via the Amazon River. GLOBAL BIOGEOCHEMICAL CYCLES, v. 35, n. 9, . (19/24977-0, 16/02656-9, 19/24349-9, 18/23899-2, 18/15123-4, 11/06609-1)
VENANCIO, IGOR M.; NASCIMENTO, RODRIGO A.; SANTOS, THIAGO P.; BELEM, ANDRE L.; LESSA, DOUGLAS O.; TIEDEMANN, RALF; CHIESSI, CRISTIANO M.; MULITZA, STEFAN; ALBUQUERQUE, ANA LUIZA S.. Tropical South American Rainfall Response to Dansgaard-Oeschger Stadials of Marine Isotope Stage 5. Frontiers in Earth Science, v. 10, p. 10-pg., . (18/15123-4, 19/24349-9)
DOS SANTOS, JESSICA BORBA QUINTELA; CHIESSI, CRISTIANO MAZUR; CRIVELLARI, STEFANO; FILHO, JONAS ELOI DE VASCONCELOS; PEREIRA, NATAN SILVA; FREITAS, MATHEUS OLIVEIRA; FERREIRA, BEATRICE PADOVANI. Identification of western South Atlantic stocks of the Lane snapper (Lutjanus synagris) from an otolith based multi-proxy approach. Fisheries Research, v. 253, p. 15-pg., . (18/15123-4, 19/24349-9)
MAKSIC, JELENA; SHIMIZU, MARILIA H.; KAYANO, MARY T.; CHIESSI, CRISTIANO M.; PRANGE, MATTHIAS; SAMPAIO, GILVAN. Influence of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation on South American Atmosphere Dynamics and Precipitation. ATMOSPHERE, v. 13, n. 11, p. 15-pg., . (19/24349-9, 18/23522-6, 18/15123-4)
NIYONZIMA, P.; SAWAKUCHI, A. O.; BERTASSOLI JR, D. J.; PUPIM, F. N.; PORAT, N.; FREIRE, M. P.; GOES, A. M.; RODRIGUES, F. C. G.. Luminescence dating of quartz from ironstones of the Xingu River, Eastern Amazonia. QUATERNARY GEOCHRONOLOGY, v. 67, . (16/02656-9, 19/04059-6, 19/24349-9, 19/24977-0, 18/15123-4, 16/11141-2, 18/12472-8)
PINHO, TAINA M. L.; CHIESSI, CRISTIANO M.; PORTILHO-RAMOS, RODRIGO C.; CAMPOS, MARILIA C.; CRIVELLARI, STEFANO; NASCIMENTO, RODRIGO A.; ALBUQUERQUE, ANA L. S.; BAHR, ANDRE; MULITZA, STEFAN. Meridional changes in the South Atlantic Subtropical Gyre during Heinrich Stadials. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 11, n. 1, . (18/15123-4, 19/25179-0, 19/24349-9, 16/10242-0, 19/10642-6)
CHIESSI, C. M.; MULITZA, S.; TANIGUCHI, N. K.; PRANGE, M.; CAMPOS, M. C.; HAEGGI, C.; SCHEFUSS, E.; PINHO, T. M. L.; FREDERICHS, T.; PORTILHO-RAMOS, R. C.; et al. Mid- to Late Holocene Contraction of the Intertropical Convergence Zone Over Northeastern South America. PALEOCEANOGRAPHY AND PALEOCLIMATOLOGY, v. 36, n. 4, . (18/15123-4, 19/10642-6, 18/06790-7, 19/24349-9, 13/10676-1, 16/10242-0)
BAHR, A.; JAESCHKE, A.; HOU, A.; MEIER, K.; CHIESSI, C. M.; ALBUQUERQUE, A. L. SPADANO; RETHEMEYER, J.; FRIEDRICH, O.. A Comparison Study of Mg/Ca-, Alkenone-, and TEX86-Derived Temperatures for the Brazilian Margin. PALEOCEANOGRAPHY AND PALEOCLIMATOLOGY, v. 38, n. 8, p. 17-pg., . (19/24349-9, 18/15123-4)
FREIRE, MARILIA PRADO; GOES, ANA MARIA; FAIRCHILD, THOMAS RICH; GAUTHERON, CECILE; PARRA, MAURICIO; PUPIM, FABIANO NASCIMENTO; BERTASSOLI JUNIOR, DAILSON JOSE; DE SOUSA, LEANDRO MELO; HARTMANN, GELVAM ANDRE; PINNA-JAMME, ROSELLA; et al. Quaternary ironstones in the Xingu River, eastern Amazonia (Brazil). Quaternary Research, v. 110, p. 14-pg., . (18/23899-2, 19/24349-9, 19/24977-0, 18/15123-4, 18/15613-1, 16/11141-2)
PEDRAO, GUILHERME A.; HIRAMA, MARCUS V.; TOMAZELLA, MARIANA O.; ALBUQUERQUE, ANA LUIZA S.; CHIESSI, CRISTIANO M.; COSTA, KAREN B.; TOLEDO, FELIPE A. L.. Marine Paleoproductivity From the Last Glacial Maximum to the Holocene in the Southwestern Atlantic: A Coccolithophore Assemblage and Geochemical Proxy Perspective. Frontiers in Earth Science, v. 10, p. 16-pg., . (19/24349-9, 18/15123-4)
SANTOS, THIAGO P.; SHIMIZU, MARILIA H.; NASCIMENTO, RODRIGO A.; VENANCIO, IGOR M.; CAMPOS, MARILIA C.; PORTILHO-RAMOS, RODRIGO C.; BALLALAI, JOAO M.; LESSA, DOUGLAS O.; CRIVELLARI, STEFANO; NAGAI, RENATA H.; et al. A data-model perspective on the Brazilian margin surface warming from the Last Glacial Maximum to the Holocene. QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, v. 286, p. 14-pg., . (20/06534-0, 18/06790-7, 18/15123-4, 16/10242-0, 19/24349-9, 19/25179-0)
HOU, ALICIA; BAHR, ANDRE; CHIESSI, CRISTIANO M.; JAESCHKE, ANDREA; ALBUQUERQUE, ANA LUIZA S.; PROSS, JORG; KOUTSODENDRIS, ANDREAS; FRIEDRICH, OLIVER. Obliquity Influence on Low-Latitude Coastal Precipitation in Eastern Brazil During the Past similar to 850 kyr. PALEOCEANOGRAPHY AND PALEOCLIMATOLOGY, v. 37, n. 2, p. 15-pg., . (18/15123-4, 19/24349-9)
NASCIMENTO, R. A.; SHIMIZU, M. H.; VENANCIO, I. M.; CHIESSI, C. M.; KUHNERT, H.; JOHNSTONE, H. J. H.; GOVIN, A.; LESSA, D.; BALLALAI, J. M.; PIACSEK, P.; et al. Warmer western tropical South Atlantic during the Last Interglacial relative to the current interglacial period. GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE, v. 215, p. 8-pg., . (18/15123-4, 19/24349-9)
BERTASSOLI, JR., DAILSON J.; SAWAKUCHI, HENRIQUE O.; DE ARAUJO, KLEITON R.; DE CAMARGO, MARCELO G. P.; ALEM, VICTOR A. T.; PEREIRA, TATIANA S.; KRUSCHE, V, ALEX; BASTVIKEN, DAVID; RICHEY, JEFFREY E.; SAWAKUCHI, ANDRE O.. How green can Amazon hydropower be? Net carbon emission from the largest hydropower plant in Amazonia. SCIENCE ADVANCES, v. 7, n. 26, . (19/24977-0, 18/18491-4, 16/02656-9, 19/24349-9, 11/14502-2, 14/21564-2, 15/09187-1, 18/15123-4, 16/11141-2)
PEREIRA, N. S.; CLARKE, L. J.; CHIESSI, C. M.; KILBOURNE, K. H.; CRIVELLARI, S.; CRUZ, F. W.; CAMPOS, J. L. P. S.; YU, T-L; SHEN, C-C; KIKUCHI, R. K. P.; et al. Mid to late 20th century freshening of the western tropical South Atlantic triggered by southward migration of the Intertropical Convergence Zone. PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY, v. 597, p. 11-pg., . (18/15123-4, 17/50085-3, 19/24349-9)
RADDATZ, JACEK; BAHR, ANDRE; CHIESSI, CRISTIANO M.; HAGGI, CHRISTOPH. Editorial: Climate and ocean dynamics at the Brazilian margin - Past and present. FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE, v. 9, p. 3-pg., . (18/15123-4, 19/24349-9)
MARTINS, ALISSON K.; KOCHHANN, KARLOS G. D.; CHIESSI, CRISTIANO M.; BAUERSACHS, THORSTEN; ZARDIN, TAMIRES N.; CAMPOS, MARILIA C.; KRAHL, GUILHERME; DE SOUZA, LAIS V.; CRIVELLARI, STEFANO; BAHR, ANDRE; et al. Links between precipitation patterns over eastern tropical South America and productivity in the western tropical South Atlantic Ocean during the last deglacial. QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL, v. 667, p. 12-pg., . (20/06534-0, 18/15123-4, 19/24349-9, 16/10242-0, 18/06790-7, 22/09822-2, 19/25179-0)
CHAPORI, NATALIA GARCIA; LAPRIDA, CECILIA; LO PRETE, DANIEL; CHIESSI, CRISTIANO M.; MAYR, CHRISTOPH; VIOLANTE, ROBERTO A.. Holocene palaeoceanographic history of the western South Atlantic. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 117, p. 12-pg., . (19/24349-9, 18/15123-4)
HOEPPNER, NATALIE; CHIESSI, CRISTIANO M.; LUCASSEN, FRIEDRICH; ZAVALA, KARINA; BECCHIO, RAIL A.; KASEMANN, SIMONE A.. Modern isotopic signatures of Plata River sediments and changes in sediment supply to the western subtropical South Atlantic during the last 30 kyr. QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, v. 259, . (18/15123-4, 19/24349-9)
NASCIMENTO, R. A.; SANTOS, T. P.; VENANCIO, I. M.; CHIESSI, C. M.; BALLALAI, J. M.; KUHNERT, H.; GOVIN, A.; PORTILHO-RAMOS, R. C.; LESSA, D.; DIAS, B. B.; et al. Origin of delta C-13 minimum events in thermocline and intermediate waters of the western South Atlantic. QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, v. 272, . (18/15123-4, 19/24349-9, 19/10642-6, 20/11452-3)
BAHR, A.; KABOTH-BAHR, S.; JAESCHKE, A.; CHIESSI, C.; CRUZ, F.; CARVALHO, L.; RETHEMEYER, J.; SCHEFUSS, E.; GEPPERT, P.; ALBUQUERQUE, A. L.; et al. Late Holocene Precipitation Fluctuations in South America Triggered by Variability of the North Atlantic Overturning Circulation. PALEOCEANOGRAPHY AND PALEOCLIMATOLOGY, v. 36, n. 9, . (18/15123-4, 17/50085-3, 19/24349-9)
CAMPOS, MARILIA C.; CHIESSI, CRISTIANO M.; NOVELLO, VALDIR F.; CRIVELLARI, STEFANO; CAMPOS, JOSE L. P. S.; ALBUQUERQUE, ANA LUIZA S.; VENANCIO, IGOR M.; SANTOS, THIAGO P.; MELO, DAYANE B.; CRUZ, FRANCISCO W.; et al. South American precipitation dipole forced by interhemispheric temperature gradient. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 12, n. 1, p. 9-pg., . (18/15123-4, 19/25179-0, 19/24349-9)
MAX, LARS; NUERNBERG, DIRK; CHIESSI, CRISTIANO M.; LENZ, MARLENE M.; MULITZA, STEFAN. Subsurface ocean warming preceded Heinrich Events. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, v. 13, n. 1, p. 8-pg., . (18/15123-4, 19/24349-9)
SAWAKUCHI, A. O.; SCHULTZ, E. D.; PUPIM, F. N.; BERTASSOLI JR, D. J.; SOUZA, D. F.; CUNHA, D. F.; MAZOCA, C. E.; FERREIRA, M. P.; GROHMANN, C. H.; WAHNFRIED, I. D.; et al. Rainfall and sea level drove the expansion of seasonally flooded habitats and associated bird populations across Amazonia. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, v. 13, n. 1, p. 15-pg., . (18/23899-2, 19/24349-9, 11/06609-1, 18/15123-4, 16/02656-9, 14/23334-4)
BERTASSOLI, D. J., JR.; HAEGGI, C.; CHIESSI, C. M.; SCHEFUSS, E.; HEFTER, J.; AKABANE, T. K.; SAWAKUCHI, A. O.. Controls on the distributions of GDGTs and n-alkane isotopic compositions in sediments of the Amazon River Basin. CHEMICAL GEOLOGY, v. 594, p. 12-pg., . (16/02656-9, 19/24349-9, 19/24977-0, 16/11141-2, 19/19948-0, 18/15123-4, 18/23899-2, 17/25735-4)
KERN, ANDREA K.; AKABANE, THOMAS KENJI; FERREIRA, JAQUELINE Q.; CHIESSI, CRISTIANO M.; WILLARD, DEBRA A.; FERREIRA, FABRICIO; SANDERS, ALLAN OLIVEIRA; SILVA, CLEVERSON G.; RIGSBY, CATHERINE; CRUZ, FRANCISCO W.; et al. A 1.8 million year history of Amazon vegetation. QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, v. 299, p. 18-pg., . (12/50260-6, 19/24349-9, 18/15123-4, 14/05582-0, 15/18314-7, 19/19948-0)

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