Research Grants 21/14527-7 - Música brasileira, Edição musical - BV FAPESP
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CIDDIC/CDMC Collection: musical score editing and the constitution of an online collection

Grant number: 21/14527-7
Support Opportunities:Regular Research Grants
Field of knowledge:Linguistics, Literature and Arts - Arts - Music
Principal Investigator:Tadeu Moraes Taffarello
Grantee:Tadeu Moraes Taffarello
Host Institution: Centro de Integração, Documentação e Difusão Cultural (CIDDIC). Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Campinas , SP, Brazil
Associated researchers: Alexandre José de Abreu ; Cinthia Pinheiro Alireti ; Flávio Cardoso de Carvalho ; Gildenir Carolino Santos ; Manuel Silveira Falleiros ; Maria Cristina de Moraes Taffarello


The project's proposal is to create at least 8 editions of musical scores to be published in E-Book format by the CIDDIC/CDMC collection on Unicamp's Open Access Book Portal. These publications must contain, at least, an introduction, musical score and critical apparatus. The authors included in the publication proposals are: Almeida Prado, Dinorá de Carvalho, Ignacio de Campos and Sant'Anna Gomes. As a result, it is expected that at least 8 E-books will be published; the strengthening of research on music editing; the possibility of artistic dissemination of the created publications; and the wide dissemination of Brazilian concert music. The main scientific challenge the project proposes to overcome is the creation of quality musical editions that are scientifically based on the subject literature and, at the same time, can serve as basis for musicological, academic and artistic studies on Brazilian concert music. The technological challenges to be overcome are the creation of scores, with the use of music score editing softwares, and the online availability of the resulting works. The work team is formed by the responsible researcher and collaborating researchers with PhDs, students, technical support staff and administrative support staff. The dissemination of the results will occur through the availability of publications on Unicamp's Open Access Book Portal; by making available the research data generated in the Unicamp Research Data Repository (REDU); and through the public artistic presentation of the scores created in partnership with the Unicamp Symphonic Orchestra (OSU). (AU)

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