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A digital platform for simulation and assessment of practical skills in health areas with artificial intelligence innovations

Grant number: 21/15114-8
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - Innovative Research in Small Business - PIPE
Duration: September 01, 2022 - December 31, 2024
Field of knowledge:Interdisciplinary Subjects
Principal Investigator:Débora Cristina Alavarce
Grantee:Débora Cristina Alavarce
CNAE: Desenvolvimento e licenciamento de programas de computador customizáveis
Portais, provedores de conteúdo e outros serviços de informação na internet
Atividades de apoio à educação
City: São José dos Campos
Pesquisadores principais:
Reinaldo Roberto Rosa
Associated researchers: Carlos Fernando Collares ; Eduardo Charles Vasconcellos ; José Lúcio Martins Machado ; Kristian Spoerer
Associated grant(s):23/13354-7 - XLVI Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Astronomical Society, AR.BR
Associated scholarship(s):23/01088-0 - IT Specialties for UX/UI Designer in Applied Research and Development of AI Modules for the HIPLADE Platform Project, BP.TT
22/15490-2 - A Digital Platform for Simulation and Assessment of Practical Skills in Health Areas with Artificial Intelligence Innovations, BP.TT
22/11806-5 - A Digital Platform for Simulation and Assessment of Practical Skills in Health Areas with Artificial Intelligence Innovations, BP.TT
22/11808-8 - A Digital Platform for Simulation and Assessment of Practical Skills in Health Areas with Artificial Intelligence Innovations, BP.TT


In the Education Technology sector (EdTech) there is a gap in relation to digital platforms aimed at the assessment of simulations of practical skills, necessary in the learning process, especially in the areas of health. In this context, this project proposes the continuity of R&D activities to add Artificial Intelligence (AI) functionalities to a PoC developed in the first phase of activities (Nov 2020 to Dec 2021). HIPLADE (Hipocampus Platform for Debrieng and Evaluation), in its current version - a PoC - was conceived by the company Hipocampus, an EdTech Startup focused on the areas of Health. The HIPLADE prototype already allows you to plan, create, schedule and evaluate skills simulated practices in different scenarios, considering the performance of debriefing and feedback - inherent to the practical learning process in health areas. In Phase II, R&D activities will begin with the objective of defining and incorporating functionalities based on AI methodologies with a focus on machine learning to the prototype. These features will be objects of R&D throughout Phase II, aiming to generate at least three innovations already identified: (i) incorporate a Data Analytics module for data mining, which enables the refinement and improvement of the learning and assessment process, with Data Science and Engineering methodologies; (ii) incorporate a Computer Vision module with Deep Learning for face recognition, annotation of expressions and skills (manual and gestural) during a simulation in different scenarios; (iii) to incorporate an intelligent knowledge curation module capable of helping the learner in their improvement with NLP (Natural Language Processing) methodologies for text, voice and image. The main impacts on the sector and the company's business plan are: (i) to improve the quality and agility of the digital assessment process in terms of objectivity, evidence-based assessment and personal feedback; (ii) democratize the use of remote practical skills simulation methodologies with great social impact; and (iii) even more significant than an incremental innovation that results in the functional improvement of a product or service in healthcare areas, the advanced MVP, to be delivered, is characterized by a complete and radical innovation as it is an unprecedented and exclusive invention. in this field, subject to customization for other segments (teaching, learning and HR screening) already identified in the spin-off business plan (Hipocampus Digital) recently created to act as the executing company for Phase II. (AU)

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