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Expanded Sound Body (ESB): expanded spaces between sound, movement and technology in mixed realities

Grant number: 22/05935-7
Support Opportunities:Regular Research Grants
Duration: February 01, 2023 - January 31, 2025
Field of knowledge:Linguistics, Literature and Arts - Arts
Principal Investigator:Daniela Gatti
Grantee:Daniela Gatti
Host Institution: Instituto de Artes (IA). Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Campinas , SP, Brazil
Associated researchers:Alexandre Zamith Almeida ; Danilo Augusto de Albuquerque Rossetti ; Diogo Angeli Theotonio ; Elena Partesotti ; Jônatas Manzolli ; Manuel Silveira Falleiros ; Mariana Baruco Machado Andraus ; Vânia Eger Pontes


The project Corpo Sonoro Expandido (CSE): expanded spaces between sound, movement and technology in mixed realities aims to establish a network of research with other projects already underway that focus on multimodality and virtuality as a communicative articulation, integrating the languages of the body and sounds through computational interaction and technological supports in real/virtual environments.The project aligns itself with two research fronts. The first aims to create multimodal improvisational and compositional methodologies, having the concept of expanded presence in the sound fields and body movement in a perspective of exploring mixed realities. The second intends to deepen the concept of presence in the arts, in the improvisation between movement, sound and music, contemplating studies that extend into the real and virtual spheres, as well as the relationship between human and computer systems in dialogic processes.It is intended to investigate multimodal and virtual aspects through data collection, biosignal analysis (in some of the project's actions) and interaction between artistic languages (the body in danced movement and integrated music and sound), in an expanded presence condition. in real/virtual environments, and can be applied for expressive scientific and artistic purposes. (AU)

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