Research Grants 24/02420-1 - Construcionismo social, Psicoterapia - BV FAPESP
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Mechanisms of Change in Narrative Single-Session Therapy: Innovative Moments and Therapeutic Changes


This study focuses on Narrative Single Session Therapy, a brief and intensive psychotherapeutic practice, aiming to understand the mechanisms underlying the therapeutic results of this type of care. The research focuses on analyzing how Innovative Moments are evoked, developed and integrated into the client's narrative, and how the type of problem brought by the client, the interactional dynamics between therapist and client and the use of the Therapy service structure of a Single Narrative Session influence the therapeutic outcome. The Innovative Moments Coding system is a methodology for analyzing psychotherapy sessions based on the principles of Narrative Therapy that evaluates the therapeutic effect of the session based on the analysis of the change in narratives that occurs during it. This system has proven to be effective in predicting change in psychotherapy and was used, in previous research, in an unprecedented way to analyze the Narrative Single Session Therapy care model. In this research, we seek to understand the factors that contributed to the therapeutic change evidenced by previous research, paving the way for advances in the understanding and application of this therapeutic modality. Using an extensive amount of session recordings and change interviews carried out one month after the consultations, the project applies a detailed qualitative methodology, including content analysis and procedural analysis. The expected results have the potential to influence the quality of the therapy offered and the results for clients, in addition to serving as a resource for the development of teaching and training materials for professionals in the field. The results of this research also aim to contribute to the development of more effective mental health policies and strategies, especially considering the need for accessible, immediate and short-term psychological care approaches, and considering the successful use of Narrative Single Session Therapy in other countries as a gateway to the mental health system, its accessibility, its health prevention nature, its cost savings and the satisfaction of the people served. (AU)

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