Research Grants 04/01321-6 - Tempo geológico, Pleistoceno - BV FAPESP
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Origins and microevolution of man in the Americas: a paleoanthropological approach (III)


Two great innovations regarding the origins of the American man were generated in the last five years, and will be of paramount importance for a radical change in the current ideas about the subject. First, biological anthropologists working in Brazil and USA were able to demonstrate that the cranial morphology of the first known americans, called Paleoindians, has no similarity with that of the Mongoloid populations, including modern native americans. This discovery leads the coordinator of this project to propose a new model to explain the settlement of the americas. This model is called the "The two main biological components" and was proposed to replace the "Three migration model", and the "One migration model”, the later vehemently defended by molecular biologists over the last five years. The second innovation is that archaeologists were finally able to demonstrate the presence of man in the continent prior to the Clovis culture. The consolidation of the "Tow main biological components" will depend very much on our ability to generate new data and results about the biology of the first americans. In this context, the new version of the project rests on six well defined research topics, aiming at testing several clearly defined hypothesis regarding the Paleoindian occupation of Lagoa Santa. These six research axis are the following: "Clovis-first/Clovis-like"?, biological origins of the first americans, hunter-gatherers resilience in the neotropics, site formation and taphonomy in tropical areas, paleoclimates and paleoenvironments during the final Pleistocene and Holocene in Lagoa Santa, and man and megafauna in the Pleistocene/Holocene transition. (AU)

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Scientific publications (24)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
VILLAGRAN, XIMENA S.; STRAUSS, ANDRE; MILLER, CHRISTOPHER; LIGOUIS, BERTRAND; OLIVEIRA, RODRIGO. Buried in ashes: Site formation processes at Lapa do Santo rockshelter, east-central Brazil. JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE, v. 77, n. SI, p. 10-34, . (04/01321-6)
ARAUJO, ASTOLFO G. M.; STRAUSS, ANDRE M.; FEATHERS, JAMES K.; PAISANI, JULIO CESAR; SCHRAGE, THOMAS J.. Paleoindian Open-Air Sites in Tropical Settings: A Case Study in Formation Processes, Dating Methods, and Paleoenvironmental Models in Central Brazil. GEOARCHAEOLOGY-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, v. 28, n. 3, SI, p. 195-220, . (04/01321-6, 99/00670-7, 08/51747-0)
NEVES, WALTER A.; ARAUJO, ASTOLFO G. M.; BERNARDO, DANILO V.; KIPNIS, RENATO; FEATHERS, JAMES K.. Rock Art at the Pleistocene/Holocene Boundary in Eastern South America. PLoS One, v. 7, n. 2, . (04/01321-6, 99/00670-7)
STRAUSS, ANDRE; OLIVEIRA, RODRIGO ELIAS; BERNARDO, DANILO V.; SALAZAR-GARCIA, DOMINGO C.; TALAMO, SAHRA; JAOUEN, KLERVIA; HUBBE, MARK; BLACK, SUE; WILKINSON, CAROLINE; RICHARDS, MICHAEL PHILLIP; et al. The Oldest Case of Decapitation in the New World (Lapa do Santo, East-Central Brazil). PLoS One, v. 10, n. 9, . (04/01321-6, 08/51747-0, 08/58729-8)
HUBBE, MARK; OKUMURA, MERCEDES; BERNARDO, DANILO V.; NEVES, WALTER A.. Cranial Morphological Diversity of Early, Middle, and Late Holocene Brazilian Groups: Implications for Human Dispersion in Brazil. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, v. 155, n. 4, p. 546-558, . (04/01321-6, 10/06453-9, 08/58729-8)
PORSANI, JORGE LUIS; JANGELME, GUILHERME DE MATOS; KIPNIS, RENATO. Use of ground-penetrating radar to map subsurface features at the Lapa do Santo archaeological site (Brazil). Near Surface Geophysics, v. 10, n. 2, p. 141-144, . (04/01321-6)
RACZKA, MARCO F.; DE OLIVEIRA, PAULO E.; BUSH, MARK; MCMICHAEL, CRYSTAL H.. Two paleoecological histories spanning the period of human settlement in southeastern Brazil. JOURNAL OF QUATERNARY SCIENCE, v. 28, n. 2, p. 144-151, . (04/01321-6)
POSTH, COSIMO; NAKATSUKA, NATHAN; LAZARIDIS, IOSIF; SKOGLUND, PONTUS; MALLICK, SWAPAN; LAMNIDIS, THISEAS C.; ROHLAND, NADIN; NAEGELE, KATHRIN; ADAMSKI, NICOLE; BERTOLINI, EMILIE; et al. Reconstructing the Deep Population History of Central and South America. Cell, v. 175, n. 5, p. 1185+, . (04/01321-6, 04/11038-0, 99/12684-2, 17/16451-2)
ARAUJO, ASTOLFO G. M.; PUGLIESE, JR., FRANCISCO A.; DOS SANTOS, RAFAEL O.; OKUMURA, MERCEDES. Extreme cultural persistence in eastern-central Brazil: the case of Lagoa Santa Paleaeoindians. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, v. 90, n. 2, 1, p. 2501-2521, . (04/01321-6, 99/00670-7)
DA-GLORIA, PEDRO; OLIVEIRA, RODRIGO E.; NEVES, WALTER A.. Dental caries at Lapa do Santo, central-eastern Brazil: An Early Holocene archaeological site. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, v. 89, n. 1, p. 307-316, . (13/00069-0, 04/01321-6, 99/00670-7)
MAYER, ELVER LUIZ; HUBBE, ALEX; BOTHA-BRINK, JENNIFER; RIBEIRO, ANA MARIA; HADDAD-MARTIM, PAULO MIGUEL; NEVES, WALTER. Diagenetic changes on bone histology of Quaternary mammals from a tropical cave deposit in southeastern Brazil. PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY, v. 537, . (09/03753-4, 04/01321-6)
JAOUEN, KLERVIA; TROST, MANUEL; BOURGON, NICOLAS; COLLETER, ROZENN; LE CABEC, ADELINE; TUTKEN, THOMAS; OLIVEIRA, RODRIGO ELIAS; PONS, MARIE LAURE; MEJEAN, PAULINE; STEINBRENNER, SVEN; et al. Zinc isotope variations in archeological human teeth (Lapa do Santo, Brazil) reveal dietary transitions in childhood and no contamination from gloves. PLoS One, v. 15, n. 5, . (17/16451-2, 08/51747-0, 04/01321-6)
RACZKA, MARCO F.; BUSH, MARK B.; DE OLIVEIRA, PAULO EDUARDO. The collapse of megafaunal populations in southeastern Brazil. Quaternary Research, v. 89, n. 1, p. 16-pg., . (04/01321-6)
VILLAGRAN, XIMENA S.; STRAUSS, ANDRE; MILLER, CHRISTOPHER; LIGOUIS, BERTRAND; OLIVEIRA, RODRIGO. Buried in ashes: Site formation processes at Lapa do Santo rockshelter, east-central Brazil. JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE, v. 77, p. 25-pg., . (04/01321-6)
RACZKA, MARCO F.; BUSH, MARK B.; DE OLIVEIRA, PAULO EDUARDO. The collapse of megafaunal populations in southeastern Brazil. Quaternary Research, v. 89, n. 1, SI, p. 103-118, . (04/01321-6)
HADDAD-MARTIM, PAULO M.; HUBBE, ALEX; GIANNINI, PAULO C. F.; AULER, AUGUSTO S.; PILO, LUIS B.; HUBBE, MARK; MAYER, ELVER; WANG, XIANFENG; CHENG, HAI; EDWARDS, R. LAWRENCE; et al. Quaternary depositional fades in cave entrances and their relation to landscape evolution: The example of Cuvieri Cave, eastern Brazil. CATENA, v. 157, p. 372-387, . (09/03753-4, 04/01321-6)
WALTER ALVES NEVES; MARK HUBBE; ANDRÉ MENEZES STRAUSS; DANILO VICENSOTTO BERNARDO. Morfologia craniana dos remanescentes ósseos humanos da Lapa do Santo, Lagoa Santa, Minas Gerais, Brasil: implicações para o povoamento das Américas. Bol. Mus. Para. Emílio Goeldi. Ciênc. hum., v. 9, n. 3, p. 715-740, . (04/01321-6, 08/58729-8)
HUBBE, ALEX; HADDAD-MARTIM, PAULO M.; HUBBE, MARK; MAYER, ELVER L.; STRAUSS, ANDRE; AULER, AUGUSTO S.; PILO, LUIS B.; NEVES, WALTER A.. Identification and importance of critical depositional gaps in pitfall cave environments: The fossiliferous deposit of Cuvieri Cave, eastern Brazil. PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY, v. 312, n. 1-2, p. 66-78, . (08/51747-0, 09/03753-4, 04/01321-6)
ARAUJO, ASTOLFO G. M.. On Vastness and Variability: Cultural Transmission, Historicity, and the Paleoindian Record in Eastern South America. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, v. 87, n. 2, p. 1239-1258, . (04/01321-6, 13/13794-5, 99/00670-7)
HUBBE, MARK; STRAUSS, ANDRE; HUBBE, ALEX; NEVES, WALTER A.. Early South Americans Cranial Morphological Variation and the Origin of American Biological Diversity. PLoS One, v. 10, n. 10, . (04/01321-6, 12/24937-9, 08/51747-0)
MAYER, ELVER LUIZ; HUBBE, ALEX; KERBER, LEONARDO; HADDAD-MARTIM, PAULO MIGUEL; NEVES, WALTER. Taxonomic, biogeographic, and taphonomic reassessment of a large extinct species of paca from the Quaternary of Brazil. ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA, v. 61, n. 4, p. 743-758, . (09/03753-4, 04/01321-6)
STRAUSS, ANDRE; HUBBE, MARK; NEVES, WALTER A.; BERNARDO, DANILO V.; ATUI, JOAO PAULO V.. The cranial morphology of the Botocudo Indians, Brazil. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, v. 157, n. 2, p. 202-216, . (04/01321-6, 08/51747-0, 08/58729-8)
PORSANI, JORGE LUIS; JANGELME, GUILHERME DE MATOS; KIPNIS, RENATO. GPR survey at Lapa do Santo archaeological site, Lagoa Santa karstic region, Minas Gerais state, Brazil. JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE, v. 37, n. 6, p. 1141-1148, . (04/01321-6)
HUBBE, MARK; HARVATI, KATERINA; NEVES, WALTER. Paleoamerican Morphology in the Context of European and East Asian Late Pleistocene Variation: Implications for Human Dispersion Into the New World. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, v. 144, n. 3, p. 442-453, . (04/01321-6)

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