Research Grants 10/01943-8 - Mudança climática, Modelos numéricos de circulação - BV FAPESP
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Impacts of changes in the agulhas leakage on the South Atlantic (CALSA)


Data analysis, numerical experiments with a stand-alone eddy-resolving ocean model and coupled ocean-atmosphere simulations will be carried out to investigate the impacts of changes in the input of waters from the Indian Ocean on the South Atlantic subtropical gyre and on the climate over South America. Results of preliminary runs with a coarser-resolution version of the ocean model suggest that both sea surface temperature and salinity have been indeed changing in the southwestern corner of the gyre. In the proposed investigation, the ocean-only numerical experiments will be run with the Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM), implemented to the Atlantic and Indian Ocean basins, forced with monthly means and synoptic products of the NCAR-NCEP Reanalysis, for the past 50 years. The experiments will have the purpose of identifying and quantifying changes in the South Atlantic. The coupled runs will be done with the SPEEDY-MICOM version already implemented at LABMON and are intended to investigate the changes in the atmospheric circulation and precipitation regime over south America, associated with changes in sea surface temperature (SST) in the SW Atlantic. This project will be carried out in the context of the CNPq accredited Research Group GEOCLIM, and in close coordination with activities of the CNPq/MCT/FAPESP funded INCT-CLIMA, the IAI sponsored South Atlantic Climate Change (SACC) Consortium, and a thematic project being evaluated by FAPESP (Proc. 08/58101-9). (AU)

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Scientific publications (6)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
CASTELLANOS, PAOLA; OLMEDO, ESTRELLA; LLUIS PELEGRI, JOSEP; TURIEL, ANTONIO; CAMPOS, EDMO J. D.. Seasonal Variability of Retroflection Structures and Transports in the Atlantic Ocean as Inferred from Satellite-Derived Salinity Maps. REMOTE SENSING, v. 11, n. 7, . (10/01943-8, 11/50552-4, 08/58101-9, 17/09659-6)
ARRUDA, WILTON Z.; CAMPOS, EDMO J. D.; ZHARKOV, VOLODYMYR; SOUTELINO, RAFAEL G.; DA SILVEIRA, ILSON C. A.. Events of equatorward translation of the Vitoria Eddy. CONTINENTAL SHELF RESEARCH, v. 70, p. 13-pg., . (10/01943-8)
ARRUDA, WILTON Z.; CAMPOS, EDMO J. D.; ZHARKOV, VOLODYMYR; SOUTELINO, RAFAEL G.; DA SILVEIRA, ILSON C. A.. Events of equatorward translation of the Vitoria Eddy. CONTINENTAL SHELF RESEARCH, v. 70, n. SI, p. 61-73, . (10/01943-8)
CASTELLANOS, PAOLA; PELEGRI, JOSEP L.; CAMPOS, EDMO J. D.; ROSELL-FIESCHI, MIQUEL; GASSER, MARC. Response of the surface tropical Atlantic Ocean to wind forcing. PROGRESS IN OCEANOGRAPHY, v. 134, p. 271-292, . (10/01943-8, 11/50552-4, 13/08572-3, 08/58101-9)
SANTIS, WLADEMIR; AIMOLA, LUIS; CAMPOS, EDMO J. D.; CASTELLANOS, PAOLA. The impacts of the atmospheric annular mode on the AMOC and its feedback in an idealized experiment. DYNAMICS OF ATMOSPHERES AND OCEANS, v. 81, p. 30-41, . (10/01943-8, 11/50552-4)
RODRIGUES, REGINA R.; CAMPOS, EDMO J. D.; HAARSMA, REINDERT. The Impact of ENSO on the South Atlantic Subtropical Dipole Mode. Journal of Climate, v. 28, n. 7, p. 2691-2705, . (10/01943-8, 11/50552-4)

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