Research Grants 08/03818-6 - Sedimentologia, Estratigrafia - BV FAPESP
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Subsurface stratigraphic analysis of the Paranavaí Aloformation, West of the São Paulo State


The Paranavaí Alloformation (Alto Rio Paraná Allogroup) is a allostratigraphic unit representative of quaternary geological history in the Upstream Rio Paraná Hydrographic Basin. This unit is composed by arenaceous to rudaceous homogeneous colluvial deposits, originated in place or after a restricted transportation, from weathered cretaceous lithostratigraphical units of Bauru Supersequence.The sedimentary records of Upstream Rio Paraná Hydrographic Basin, since at least 1 My ago to present days, would testify important palaeoclimatic changes and/or neotectonic events, that allowed to systematize the Cenozoic geologic-geomorphologic evolutionary phases in the Brazil. However, until now, the deposits of Aloformação Paranavaí in subsurface are unknown, although likely to contain important stratigraphyc records, palaeoclimatic and/or recent tectonics, which could be detected by detailed sedimentologic studies properly dated by the luminescence method. Thus, the project aims to study the sediments of the subsurface Aloformação Paranavaí. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
SALLUN, ALETHEA E. M.; SUGUIO, KENITIRO. Quaternary colluvial episodes (Upper Paraná River Hydrographic Basin, Brazil). Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, v. 82, n. 3, p. 701-715, . (08/03818-6)

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