Research Grants 10/15297-0 - Enfermagem em saúde pública, Saúde reprodutiva - BV FAPESP
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Contraceptive practices of women that passed through an abortion


In this project we aim to analyze contraceptive practices adopted by women hospitalized at the University Hospital at University of São Paulo due to an abortion - spontaneous or performed. Although they are very distinct physical, emotional and psychological experiences, both spontaneous and performed abortion require a six month time spacing before another pregnancy, according to the World Health Organization technical recommendation from 2006. As abortion is an illegal procedure in Brazil, unless in case of rape or death risk for the women, assistance delivered to women during an abortion process is surrounded by prejudice and non-warming attitudes from the health professionals. In a perspective of consolidating sexual and reproductive rights of women that pass through an abortion, a 2005 technical norm of Brazilian Ministry of Health recommends that contraceptive methods should be offered still during the post-abortion care. It is important to avoid contraceptive vulnerabilities in a moment that becoming pregnant before desired or before achieving good physical condition can be a risk. This is a longitudinal study to be conducted with all women hospitalized due to abortion at the University Hospital at the University of São Paulo, Brazil. They will be invited to answer a structured questionnaire (Momentum 0) and to answer phone interviews each 30 days fro 6 months (Momentum 1 to 6). Considering that about 30 women are hospitalized due to abortion at this institution in a month time, we estimate that we can reach 180 participants in six months, so data collection might last 11 months (Momentum 1 to 6). Statistical analysis will be done using Qui-square test and Mann-Whitney test as well as multiple logistic regression and survival analysis with Cox regression. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
VILELA BORGES, ANA LUIZA; OLAOLORUN, FUNMILOLA; FUJIMORI, ELIZABETH; KOMURA HOGA, LUIZA AKIKO; TSUI, AMY ONG. Contraceptive use following spontaneous and induced abortion and its association with family planning services in primary health care: results from a Brazilian longitudinal study. Reproductive Health, v. 12, . (12/15482-8, 10/15297-0)
ANA LUIZA VILELA BORGES. Contracepção pós-abortamento: relação com a atenção em contracepção e intenção reprodutiva. Cadernos de Saúde Pública, v. 32, n. 2, . (10/15297-0)

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