Research Grants 11/03250-2 - Mudança climática, Amazônia - BV FAPESP
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Quantification and dynamics of carbon associated with deep spodic horizons of Amazon Forest soils, towards possible climatic changed

Grant number: 11/03250-2
Support Opportunities:Regular Research Grants
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Geosciences
Principal Investigator:Célia Regina Montes
Grantee:Célia Regina Montes
Host Institution: Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura (CENA). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Piracicaba , SP, Brazil
Associated researchers:Adilson Carvalho ; Adolpho José Melfi ; Carlos Eduardo Pellegrino Cerri ; Débora Ayumi Ishida ; Débora Marcondes Bastos Pereira ; Guilherme Taitson Bueno ; Jean Louis Stéphane Mounier ; Marcelo Luiz Simões ; Nádia Regina do Nascimento ; Patricia Merdy ; Wilson Tadeu Lopes da Silva ; Yves Marie Pierre Henri Lucas


The quantification of stocked C in natural environment and the evaluation of its sensibility towards the climatic changes or land use represent a research domain in great expansion. The Amazon Region presents a large area of Spodosols (ES), characterized by the presence of thick sandy horizons, overlaying more clayey horizons. The organic matter (OM) formed on the surface is transferred, by percolating waters, through the sandy horizons. Then, it is accumulated in the transition of the sandy and clayey horizons, at a depth varying from 1 to 3 meters, forming deep spodic horizons. Recent studies carried out in the Amazon Region, by part of the team-work of this project, has shown that the Spodosols can store over 13,6 Pg C in the deep Bh horizons. The question is to know the stability of these soils face to land use or climatic changes. In the case of the Bh horizon, the desiccation of these soils, normally saturated, could lead to a partial or total mineralization of the organic matter, resulting in the emission of a large amount of greenhouse effect gases. Therefore, the project aims to estimate the C stock in forest Spodosols, the tax of CO2 emission and evaluate its vulnerability under different land use and climatic conditions. It would be necessary: (i) to produce maps with C content, using the estimated stock, obtained by field data crossing, pedological maps and satellite image; (ii) to collect samples for the evaluation of organic matter vulnerability towards C mineralization, by means of quantifying the metabolism by microorganisms; (iii) to associate the results regarding the organic matter vulnerability with the C content maps to produce maps of C vulnerability. (AU)

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Scientific publications (12)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
MONTES, CELIA R.; MERDY, PATRICIA; DA SILVA, WILSON T. L.; ISHIDA, DEBORA; MELFI, ADOPHO J.; SANTIN, ROBERTA C.; LUCAS, YVES. Mineralization of soil organic matter from equatorial giant podzols submitted to drier pedoclimate: A drainage topochronosequence study. CATENA, v. 222, p. 10-pg., . (12/51469-6, 11/03250-2, 12/18092-6)
TADINI, AMANDA M.; NICOLODELLI, GUSTAVO; HAJJOUL, HOUSSAM; MILORI, DEBORAM. B. P.; MOUNIER, STEPHANE. Humic fractions from Amazon soils: Lifetime study and humification process by fluorescence spectroscopy. APPLIED GEOCHEMISTRY, v. 147, p. 8-pg., . (13/13013-3, 13/07276-1, 12/51469-6, 11/03250-2)
ISHIDA, DEBORA AYUMI; VIEIRA-COELHO, ANTONIO CARLOS; MELFI, ADOLPHO JOSE; LUCAS, YVES; BRASILIANO CAMARGO, JOAO PAULO; MONTES, CELIA REGINA. Influence of pedogenetic processes on the validity of kaolinite crystallinity indices: A case study of an Amazonian Ferralsol-Podzol soil system with white kaolin. APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE, v. 162, p. 435-442, . (11/03250-2, 12/51469-6)
GORANOV, ALEKSANDAR I.; TADINI, AMANDA M.; MARTIN-NETO, LADISLAU; BERNARDI, ALBERTO C. C.; OLIVEIRA, PATRICIA P. A.; PEZZOPANE, JOSE R. M.; MILORI, DEBORA M. B. P.; MOUNIER, STEPHANE; HATCHER, PATRICK G.. Comparison of Sample Preparation Techniques for the (-)ESI-FT- ICR-MS Analysis of Humic and Fulvic Acids. Environmental Science & Technology, v. 56, n. 17, p. 14-pg., . (11/03250-2, 13/13013-3, 17/20084-5, 19/02939-9, 12/51469-6, 17/22950-1, 13/07276-1)
NICOLODELLI, GUSTAVO; TADINI, AMANDA MARIA; NOGUEIRA, MARCELO SAITO; PRATAVIEIRA, SEBASTIAO; MOUNIER, STEPHANE; CLABEL HUAMAN, JOSE LUIS; DOS SANTOS, CLEBER HILARIO; MONTES, CELIA REGINA; BASTOS PEREIRA MILORI, DEBORA MARCONDES. Fluorescence lifetime evaluation of whole soils from the Amazon rainforest. APPLIED OPTICS, v. 56, n. 24, p. 6936-6941, . (12/24349-0, 13/07276-1, 11/03250-2, 13/13013-3)
DOUPOUX, CEDRIC; MERDY, PATRICIA; MONTES, CELIA REGINA; NUNAN, NAOISE; MELFI, ADOLPHO JOSE; RIBEIRO PEREIRA, OSVALDO JOSE; LUCAS, YVES. Modelling the genesis of equatorial podzols: age and implications for carbon fluxes. BIOGEOSCIENCES, v. 14, n. 9, p. 2429-2440, . (11/03250-2, 12/51469-6)
TADINI, AMANDA MARIA; NICOLODELLI, GUSTAVO; MOUNIER, STEPHANE; MONTES, CELIA REGINA; BASTOS PEREIRA MILORI, DEBORA MARCONDES. The importance of humin in soil characterisation: A study on Amazonian soils using different fluorescence techniques. Science of The Total Environment, v. 537, p. 152-158, . (11/03250-2, 13/13013-3)
TADINI, AMANDA M.; NICOLODELLI, GUSTAVO; SENESI, GIORGIO S.; ISHIDA, DEBORA A.; MONTES, CELIA R.; LUCAS, YVES; MOUNIER, STEPHANE; GUIMARAES, FRANCISCO E. G.; MILORI, DEBORA M. B. P.. Soil organic matter in podzol horizons of the Amazon region: Humification, recalcitrance, and dating. Science of The Total Environment, v. 613, p. 160-167, . (13/07276-1, 11/03250-2, 12/51469-6, 13/13013-3)
TADINI, AMANDA M.; NICOLODELLI, GUSTAVO; MARANGONI, BRUNO S.; MOUNIER, STEPHANE; MONTES, CELIA R.; MILORI, DEBORA M. B. P.. Evaluation of the roles of metals and humic fractions in the podzolization of soils from the Amazon region using two analytical spectroscopy techniques. Microchemical Journal, v. 144, p. 454-460, . (12/51469-6, 13/07276-1, 13/13013-3, 11/03250-2)
MERDY, PATRICIA; LUCAS, YVES; COULOMB, BRUNO; MELFI, ADOLPHO J.; MONTES, CELIA R.. Soil organic carbon mobility in equatorial podzols: soil column experiments. SOIL, v. 7, n. 2, p. 585-594, . (11/03250-2, 12/51469-6)
TADINI, AMANDA MARIA; MOUNIER, STEPHANE; BASTOS PEREIRA MILORI, DEBORA MARCONDES. Modeling the quenching of fluorescence from organic matter in Amazonian soils. Science of The Total Environment, v. 698, . (13/13013-3, 11/03250-2, 13/07276-1, 12/51469-6)
LUCAS, YVES; SANTIN, ROBERTA CLEMENTE; DA SILVA, WILSON T. L.; MERDY, PATRICIA; MELFI, ADOLPHO JOSE; RIBEIRO PEREIRA, OSVALDO JOSE; MONTES, CELIA REGINA. Soil sample conservation from field to lab for heterotrophic respiration assessment. METHODSX, v. 7, . (12/51469-6, 11/03250-2)

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