Research Grants 11/50517-4 - Epidemiologia, Consumo de bebidas alcoólicas - BV FAPESP
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Identification of subgroups of alcohol users and related factors in the São Paulo Metropolitan Area: gender differences, sociodemographic characteristics and psychiatric comorbidities


Alcohol use and related disorders greatly contribute for death and morbidity rates in Brazil. Due to the importance of this public health issue and the scarcity of epidemiological studies in our country, the present research proposal aims to further extend the knowledge on alcohol use and related factors in a representative sample of adult household residents in the São Paulo Metropolitan Area, based on data from the São Paulo Megacity Mental Health Survey. This survey, which was supported by FAPESP as a thematic project, is the Brazilian counterpart of the World Mental Health Survey (WMHS) Initiative, which is coordinated by the World Health Organization (WHO) and has been carried out in 24 countries. This project aims to investigate, based on data analyses from the São Paulo Megacity Mental Health Survey: (i) the prevalence and sociodemographic correlates of lifetime alcohol use, regular use, abuse and dependence, (ii) drinking patterns, preferences for types of beverages and their relationships with alcohol-related problems; (iii) the different classes of alcohol users based on alcohol abuse and dependence symptoms and the factors that may be associated with these classes. This kind of study may contribute to the calculation of risks associated with alcohol use, potentially being a Brazilian reference for WHO Global Burden of Diseases 2012 - as it has been recently occurred in the WHO Global Status Report on Alcohol and Health 2011. We hope the results of this project may help to improve alcohol consumption research, prevention and health care and guide public policies for intervention and prevention programs. (AU)

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Scientific publications (13)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
ANGST, JULES; ROESSLER, WULF; AJDACIC-GROSS, VLADETA; ANGST, FELIX; WITTCHEN, HANS ULRICH; LIEB, ROSALIND; BEESDO-BAUM, KATJA; ASSELMANN, EVA; MERIKANGAS, KATHLEEN R.; CUI, LIHONG; et al. Differences between unipolar mania and bipolar-I disorder: Evidence from nine epidemiological studies. BIPOLAR DISORDERS, v. 21, n. 5, p. 437-448, . (11/50517-4, 03/00204-3)
COELHO, BRUNO MENDONCA; SANTANA, GEILSON LIMA; DUARTE-GUERRA, LEORIDES SEVERO; VIANA, MARIA CARMEN; NETO, FRANCISCO LOTUFO; ANDRADE, LAURA HELENA; WANG, YUAN-PANG. The role of gender in the structure of networks of childhood adversity. PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH, v. 270, p. 348-356, . (03/00204-3, 11/50517-4)
CASTALDELLI-MAIA, JOAO MAURICIO; ANDRADE, LAURA H.; STORR, CARLA L.; VIANA, MARIA C.; ANDRADE, ARTHUR G.; MARTINS, SILVIA S.. The latent trait of ICD-11 nicotine dependence criteria: Dimensional and categorical phenotypes. PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH, v. 266, p. 275-283, . (11/50517-4, 03/00204-3)
COELHO, BRUNO M.; SANTANA, GEILSON L.; VIANA, MARIA C.; WANG, YUAN-PANG; ANDRADE, LAURA H.. `I don't need any treatment'' - barriers to mental health treatment in the general population of a megacit. Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria, v. 43, n. 6, p. 590-598, . (03/00204-3, 11/50517-4)
COELHO, BRUNO MENDONCA; SANTANA, GEILSON LIMA; DANTAS, HELOISA DE SOUZA; VIANA, MARIA CARMEN; ANDRADE, LAURA HELENA; WANG, YUAN-PANG. Correlates and prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorders in the Sa tilde o Paulo metropolitan area, Brazil. JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH, v. 156, p. 9-pg., . (03/00204-3, 11/50517-4)
BRUNO M. COÊLHO; GEILSON L. SANTANA; MARIA C. VIANA; YUAN-PANG WANG; LAURA H. ANDRADE. “I don’t need any treatment” – barriers to mental health treatment in the general population of a megacity. Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria, n. ahead, p. -, . (03/00204-3, 11/50517-4)
COELHO, BRUNO M.; SANTANA, GEILSON L.; VIANA, MARIA C.; ANDRADE, LAURA H.; WANG, YUAN-PANG. Gender-related dimensions of childhood adversities in the general population. Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria, v. 40, n. 4, p. 9-pg., . (11/50517-4, 03/00204-3)
COELHO, BRUNO M.; SANTANA, GEILSON L.; VIANA, MARIA C.; ANDRADE, LAURA H.; WANG, YUAN-PANG. Gender-related dimensions of childhood adversities in the general population. Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria, v. 40, n. 4, p. 394-402, . (11/50517-4, 03/00204-3)
BRUNO M. COÊLHO; GEILSON L. SANTANA; MARIA C. VIANA; YUAN-PANG WANG; LAURA H. ANDRADE. “I don’t need any treatment” – barriers to mental health treatment in the general population of a megacity. Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria, v. 43, n. 6, p. 590-598, . (11/50517-4, 03/00204-3)
ASKARI, MELANIE S.; ANDRADE, LAURA HELENA; FILHO, ALEXANDRE CHIAVEGATTO; SILVEIRA, CAMILA MAGALHAES; SIU, ERICA; WANG, YUAN-PANG; VIANA, MARIA CARMEN; MARTINS, SILVIA S.. Dual burden of chronic physical diseases and anxiety/mood disorders among Sao Paulo Megacity Mental Health Survey Sample, Brazil. Journal of Affective Disorders, v. 220, p. 1-7, . (11/50517-4, 14/05363-7, 03/00204-3)
SILVEIRA, CAMILA MAGALHAES; SIU, ERICA ROSANNA; ANTHONY, JAMES C.; SAITO, LUIS PAULO; DE ANDRADE, ARTHUR GUERRA; KUTSCHENKO, ANDRESSA; VIANA, MARIA CARMEN; WANG, YUAN-PANG; MARTINS, SILVIA S.; ANDRADE, LAURA HELENA. Drinking Patterns and Alcohol Use Disorders in Sao Paulo, Brazil: The Role of Neighborhood Social Deprivation and Socioeconomic Status. PLoS One, v. 9, n. 10, . (11/50517-4, 03/00204-3)
CASTALDELLI-MAIA, JOAO MAURICIO; WANG, YUAN-PANG; BORGES, GUILHERME; SILVEIRA, CAMILA M.; SIU, ERICA R.; VIANA, MARIA C.; ANDRADE, ARTHUR G.; MARTINS, SILVIA S.; ANDRADE, LAURA H.. Investigating dimensionality and measurement bias of DSM-5 alcohol use disorder in a representative sample of the largest metropolitan area in South America. DRUG AND ALCOHOL DEPENDENCE, v. 152, p. 123-130, . (11/50517-4, 03/00204-3)
CASTALDELLI-MAIA, JOAO MAURICIO; SILVEIRA, CAMILA M.; SIU, ERICA R.; WANG, YUAN-PANG; MILHORANCA, IGOR A.; ALEXANDRINO-SILVA, CLOVIS; BORGES, GUILHERME; VIANA, MARIA C.; ANDRADE, ARTHUR G.; ANDRADE, LAURA H.; et al. DSM-5 latent classes of alcohol users in a population-based sample: Results from the Sao Paulo Megacity Mental Health Survey, Brazil. DRUG AND ALCOHOL DEPENDENCE, v. 136, p. 92-99, . (11/50517-4, 03/00204-3)

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