Research Grants 11/12691-2 - Materiais de construção, Pozolanas - BV FAPESP
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Collaboration and advising in activities related with research projects in progress: topic: characterization and evaluation of agricultural wastes as pozzolanic materials for its efficient use in the production of sustainable construction materials


1. The Professor Villar-Cociña will participate as advisor and collaborator in the research projects entitled: I. Fundamental mechanical characteristics of non-conventional composites with reinforcement of cellulosic and synthetic fibres, financed by FAPESP and granted to Holmer Savastano Junior - P. 2009/10614-0. II. Project CNPq Universal (in progress) Title: Non-conventional cement based composites reinforced with cellulose and synthetic fibres: contribution to sustainable building materials. Coordinator: Holmer Savastano Jr. Agency: CNPq p.472133/2009-8, Program MCT/CNPq 14/2009. III. Project for the Master degree of Erika Yukari Nakanishi, student of the post-graduation program in Animal Science, FZEA USP, since February 2011. Agency: Capes (Social Demand). Title: Use of Pennisetum purpureum grass in the production of cement based composites submitted to the accelerated carbonation and analysis of its performance. The research activities related with this project include: pozzolanic characterization of ashes from sugar cane residues, study of the pozzolanic activity of the materials, influence of the calcining temperature and the cooling regime on the reactivity of the pozzolanic materials. Application of mathematical models for determination of the kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of the pozzolanic reaction. The kinetic parameters of the pozzolanic reaction (diffusion coefficient and reaction rate constant) will be determined in the fitting process of the models. An exhaustive analysis of the most important statistical parameters will allow concluding about the model that shows the best correspondence with the experimental data. Also, the above allows analyzing the control regime of the pozzolanic reaction (kinetic, diffusive or kinetic-diffusive). The thermodynamic parameters of activation will be determined (G#, H# and S#) based on the computing of the reaction rate constant and its dependence with the temperature. The influence of the particle size, calcining temperature, temperature of the solution pozzolan-HC on the kinetic parameters will be analyzed. The most suitable model will be proposed by applying statistical criterions of comparison of models, based on the theory of information (Akaike Information Criterion). The chemical, rheological and mechanical characteristics of the cements elaborated with the selected residues will be proven. The optimal dosage of the studied materials as additives to cement will be determined taking into account the influence of the active addition on the characteristics of the resulting cement or concrete. 2. Postgraduate course in the thematic entitled: Use of agro-industrial residues as pozzolanic materials. Topics: Selection and preparation of the wastes. Thermal treatments for obtaining the calcined wastes (ashes). Methods of pozzolanic activity, comparison of the methods to evaluate the pozzolanic activity. Reaction kinetics. Diffusion. Kinetic parameters of the pozzolanic reaction. Kinetic models more used. Fitting of models for non lineal regression. Determination of the kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of the pozzolanic reaction. Analysis and statistical interpretation of the results. Criterions for models comparison. Characterization and evaluation of the pozzolanic materials. 3. Collaboration with a lecture to the students of under graduation in Animal Science, Biosystems Engineering and Food Engineering at FZEA USP in the topic of residues of the agricultural industry as raw materials for the construction applications. 4. Participation in the evaluation commission of doctoral thesis to be defended by the student Camila L. Pereira in the FZEA USP Pirassununga. 5. Preparation and submission of research project about the characterization and evaluation of agricultural wastes as pozzolanic materials. 6. Formation of a scientific network of systematic contacts, with visits to research groups of the region (USP São Paulo and UFSCar São Carlos). (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
VILLAR-COCINA, ERNESTO; FRIAS, MOISES; SAVASTANO, HOLMER; RODIER, LOIC; SANCHEZ DE ROJAS, MARIA ISABEL; SAEZ DEL BOSQUE, ISABEL FUENCISLA; MEDINA, CESAR. Quantitative Comparison of Binary Mix of Agro-Industrial Pozzolanic Additions for Elaborating Ternary Cements: Kinetic Parameters. MATERIALS, v. 14, n. 11, . (11/16842-5, 13/50790-8, 11/12691-2)
VILLAR COCINA, ERNESTO; SAVASTANO, HOLMER; RODIER, LOIC; LEFRAN, MANUEL; FRIAS, MOISES. Pozzolanic Characterization of Cuban Bamboo Leaf Ash: Calcining Temperature and Kinetic Parameters. WASTE AND BIOMASS VALORIZATION, v. 9, n. 4, p. 691-699, . (11/12691-2, 12/51467-3)
VILLAR-COCINA, ERNESTO; FRIAS, MOISES; HERNANDEZ-RUIZ, JESUS; SAVASTANO, JR., HOLMER. Pozzolanic behaviour of a bagasse ash from the boiler of a Cuban sugar factory. ADVANCES IN CEMENT RESEARCH, v. 25, n. 3, p. 136-142, . (11/12691-2)

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