Research Grants 12/23873-7 - Saúde mental, Alcoolismo - BV FAPESP
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Development of the Brazilian version of the software "gain assessment building system" and validation of the instruments "Global Appraisal of Individual Needs" for use in Brazil


The use of alcohol results in the death of 2.5 million people per year. Speculative Data estimate that Brazil spends annually 7.3% of Gross Domestic Product with the consequences of alcohol-related problems. About one in five people who use illegal drugs meets criteria for dependence. Over 10% of lost years of healthy life and more than 30% of all years lived with disability are attributed to mental disorders. Despite the knowledge that the use of alcohol and other drugs is caused and reinforced by the mental state, psychological, and social justice issues in the lives of individuals, we have at present few strategies with such coverage for evidence-based care and planning care. We do not have assessments that are able to raise the problems of individuals in all these areas of interest, and tend to conduct various specific assessments. This process takes time, money and other public and private resources, and may turn the collection of information about the needs of the individual in an unsystematic and not efficient process. The Global Appraisal of Individual Needs, or, in Portuguese Avaliação Global das Necessidades Individuais, is a family of evaluations based on evidence. The instruments range from a screening instrument that takes 5-10 minutes to a complete biopsychosocial assessment that takes 90-120 minutes to administer. Another feature of this family of instruments is the GAIN Assessment Building System, an online application that can be used to insert data from the individual during administration of the instrument, as subsequently issuing reports and clinical diagnoses of the patient after the entry of information, and also adding this information into a database allowing further studies and comparison. Whereas the information collected with the patient are of utmost importance for problem detection, prevention, allocation of the individual and treatment planning, it is intended in this study to measure the psychometric properties of the instruments of the family AGNI, and translate the application for online assessments for use in Brazil. (AU)

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(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
CLARO, HELOISA GARCIA; FERREIRA DE OLIVEIRA, MARCIA APARECIDA; DE ALMEIDA LOPES FERNANDES, IVAN FILIPE; TITUS, JANET C.; TARIFA, ROSANA RIBEIRO; ROJAS, THAIS FERNANDES; PINHO, PAULA HAYASI. Internal Consistency and Convergent Validity of the Portuguese Versions of the Global Appraisal of Individual Needs-Initial and Short Screener. JOURNAL OF ADDICTIONS NURSING, v. 27, n. 4, p. 241-246, . (11/00226-3, 10/20741-7, 12/23873-7)

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