Research Grants 12/50587-5 - Fitoterapia, Antiparasitários - BV FAPESP
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Anthelmintic activity of microencapsulated terpenes and propanoids on Haemonchus contortus infection, its toxicity interence on immunity lambs


The searching for new parasiticide compounds derived from plants is increasing due to the lack of commercial products with anthelmintic efficacy. Plant derived products have an eco-friendly interface because it reduces environmental contamination and decreases toxic residues in meat and milk. The experiment will be done in two steps. In the first step the essential oils: carvacrol, timol, 1,8-cineol, anetol, cinamaldeide, limonene, linalool and eugenol will be evaluated in vitro test by egg hatch assay. The essential oils that have the best activity in vitro will be mixed (blend) and encapsulated. This procedure turns a liquid compound in a solid compound that is easy to administrate when mixed to the meal. In the second step, the essential oil (EO) blend will be mixed to the meal and administrated to lambs in order to evaluate its preventive or healing function in Haemonchus contortus (Hc) infection. Thirty two lambs, male, same age and weight, will be divided in four treatment with eight repetitions: Tl- basic food (12% P, 65% NDT); T2 - basic food + EO blend; T3- basic food + Hc infection; T4- basic food + OE blend + Hc infection. The experimental period will last 60 days. At day zero, all animais will receive anthelmintic. At day fifteen, animals of T3 and T4 will be infected with Haemonchus contortus. Ali animais will be evaluated before and with a frequency of 7 days by complete blood count, biochemical profile of liver and kidney. The body weight and serie IgG and IgA will be evaluated before and each 15 days. The fecal egg count will be done before and at 15, 40, 45, 50, 55 and 60. The diet consumption will be done daily. In vitro degradability and in vitro methane production also will be done between treatments. At the end of the experiment, all infected animals will be euthanasiated and total worm count will be performed. It is expected that encapsulated essential oils chosen by in vitro test could be efficient in prevention or control of H. contortus by direct or indirect activity of encapsulated essential oil. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
KATIKI, L. M.; BARBIERI, A. M. E.; ARAUJO, R. C.; VERISSIMO, C. J.; LOUVANDINI, H.; FERREIRA, J. F. S.. Synergistic interaction of ten essential oils against Haemonchus contortus in vitro. Veterinary Parasitology, v. 243, p. 47-51, . (12/50587-5)
KATIKI, L. M.; ARAUJO, R. C.; ZIEGELMEYER, L.; GOMES, A. C. P.; GUTMANIS, G.; RODRIGUES, L.; BUENO, M. S.; VERISSIMO, C. J.; LOUVANDINI, H.; FERREIRA, J. F. S.; et al. Evaluation of encapsulated anethole and carvone in lambs artificially- and naturally-infected with Haemonchus contortus. Experimental Parasitology, v. 197, p. 36-42, . (12/50587-5)

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