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Bottom-up trophic control of recruitment in marine invertebrates with indirect development: barnacles as a case-study


Recent contributions have indicated that larval retention in coastal marine invertebrates is far more frequent that suggested by physical transport mechanisms. Hence, local processes, from unit to tens of km, may largely determine the structure and persistence of populations. Barnacles are dominant organisms in the rocky intertidal and, as filter feeders, also an important energetic link between the pelagic and benthic habitat. In the tropics, nearshore food supply may affect the performance of larvae and adults, the latter also prone to critical heat stress during summer months. Due to space limitation in the intertidal zone, larvae need to store energy in their final lecithotrophic stage as to allow the search and inspection of sufficient substrate area as to allow settlement at a spot where development to adulthood is favored. The objective of this project is to understand how benthic adult stocks respond to environmental change as to maximize their fitness, in terms of production of viable recruits, i.e. those surviving to the adult stage. Three main tasks are proposed, emphasizing (i) resource allocation strategies to maximize reproductive output in varying conditions of food supply and heat stress, (ii) effects of larval quality on substrate selection and post-settlement performance, and (iii) mesoscale variation of larval quality and pelagic nutrient status, their relationship, and its correspondence with patterns of genetic population structure across their natural distribution. Results will be used to propose a more refined model of recruitment regulation in tropical marine invertebrates. (AU)

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Scientific publications (8)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
BARBOSA, ANDREIA C. C.; GOMES, CRISTAL C.; PEREIRA, GILBERTO C.; BUENO, MARILIA; FLORES, AUGUSTO A. V.. Local biological drivers, not remote forcing, predict settlement rate to a subtropical barnacle population. Marine Ecology Progress Series, v. 543, p. 201-208, . (08/10085-5, 13/01446-2, 08/02030-6)
FREUCHET, FLORIAN; TREMBLAY, REJEAN; FLORES, AUGUSTO A. V.. Interacting environmental stressors modulate reproductive output and larval performance in a tropical intertidal barnacle. Marine Ecology Progress Series, v. 532, p. 161-175, . (08/10085-5, 13/01446-2)
KASTEN, PAULA; JENKINS, STUART R.; TREMBLAY, REJEAN; FLORES, AUGUSTO A. V.. Evidence for enhanced late-stage larval quality, not survival, through maternal carry-over effects in a space monopolizing barnacle. Hydrobiologia, v. 830, n. 1, p. 277-286, . (15/10327-2, 08/10085-5, 13/01446-2, 12/17380-8)
BARBOSA, ANDREIA C. C.; GOMES, CRISTAL C.; PEREIRA, GILBERTO C.; BUENO, MARILIA; FLORES, AUGUSTO A. V.. Local biological drivers, not remote forcing, predict settlement rate to a subtropical barnacle population. MARINE ECOLOGY-PROGRESS SERIES, v. 543, p. 8-pg., . (13/01446-2, 08/02030-6, 08/10085-5)
LEAL, INES; TREMBLAY, REJEAN; FLORES, AUGUSTO A. V.. Allochthonous subsidies drive early recruitment of a subtropical foundation species. OIKOS, v. 2022, n. 7, p. 16-pg., . (13/01446-2)
FREUCHET, FLORIAN; TREMBLAY, REJEAN; FLORES, AUGUSTO A. V.. Interacting environmental stressors modulate reproductive output and larval performance in a tropical intertidal barnacle. MARINE ECOLOGY-PROGRESS SERIES, v. 532, p. 15-pg., . (13/01446-2, 08/10085-5)
KASTEN, PAULA; TREMBLAY, REJEAN; FLORES, AUGUSTO A. V.. Mismatched seasonal patterns of larval production and quality in subtropical barnacle populations along a coastal trophic gradient. ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE, v. 224, p. 43-50, . (13/01446-2, 08/10085-5, 12/17380-8, 15/10327-2)
LEAL, INES; BOHN, KATRIN; HAWKINS, STEPHEN J.; JENKINS, STUART R.; FLORES, V, AUGUSTO A.; TREMBLAY, REJEAN. Lipid allocation in late-stage barnacle larvae from subtropical and temperate waters. MARINE ECOLOGY-PROGRESS SERIES, v. 661, p. 147-161, . (13/01446-2, 13/50903-7)

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