Research Grants 11/51676-9 - Buracos negros, Estrutura da galáxia - BV FAPESP
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LLAMA: a mm/submm radiotelescope in the Andes, in collaboration with Argentina


We plan to install a radio telescope 12 meters in diameter for millimeter and sub-millimeter waves, at close to 5000 m altitude, in the Argentine Andes, in collaboration with the Argentine Institute for Radio Astronomy. The main lines of research are: 1) black holes and accretion discs 2) Molecular evolution of clouds and astrobiology 3) the spiral structure of the Galaxy. Observations will be conducted in the "single dish" mode and interferometry (VLBI- Very Long-Baseline Interferometry), benefiting, for these observations, from the proximity of the largest international project in astronomy today, ALMA (Atacama Large Millimetric Array). The acronym of our project, LLAMA (Long Latin American Millimetric Array) reflects the intention that this instrument is the seed of a wider Latin American VLBI network. (AU)

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Scientific publications (15)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
RUIZ, F.; MOLINA, C.; LIMA, J. A. S.. Dynamical model for primordial black holes. Physical Review D, v. 102, n. 12, . (11/51676-9)
ALMEIDA, PEDRO ELEUTERIO MENDONCA; SANTOS, ROSE CLIVIA; LIMA, JOSE ADEMIR SALES. From de Sitter to de Sitter: A Thermal Approach to Running Vacuum Cosmology and the Non-Canonical Scalar Field Description. UNIVERSE, v. 10, n. 9, p. 19-pg., . (11/51676-9)
LIMA, J. A. S.; DEPPMAN, A.. Tsallis meets Boltzmann: q-index for a finite ideal gas and its thermodynamic limit. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, v. 101, n. 4, p. 5-pg., . (11/51676-9, 16/17612-7)
LIMA, J. A. S.; SINGLETON, D.. The impact of particle production on gravitational baryogenesis. Physics Letters B, v. 762, p. 506-511, . (11/51676-9)
RUIZ, F.; MOLINA, C.; LIMA, J. A. S.. Dynamical model for primordial black holes. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 102, n. 12, p. 11-pg., . (11/51676-9)
LEPINE, JACQUES R. D.; ABRAHAM, ZULEMA; DE CASTRO, CARLOS GUILLERMO G.; COSTA, JOAQUIM E. R.; LARRARTE, JUAN JOSE; RASZTOCKY, EMILIANO; GANCIO, GUILLERMO; DOMICINI, TANIA; BEAKLINI, PEDRO P. B.; CORRERA, FATIMA S.; et al. The LLAMA Brazilian-Argentinian radiotelescope project: progress in Brazil and BRICS collaboration. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, v. 93, n. 1, .
MEGIAS, EUGENIO; LIMA, JOSE A. S.; DEPPMAN, AIRTON. Transport Equation for Small Systems and Nonadditive Entropy. MATHEMATICS, v. 10, n. 10, p. 9-pg., . (11/51676-9, 16/17612-7)
ABRAHAM, ZULEMA; BEAKLINI, PEDRO P. B.; COX, PIERRE; FALCETA-GONCALVES, DIEGO; NYMAN, LARS-AKE. eta Carinae: high angular resolution continuum, H30 alpha and He30 alpha ALMA images. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v. 499, n. 2, p. 2493-2512, . (11/51676-9, 14/07460-0)
LIMA, J. A. S.; DEPPMAN, A.. Tsallis meets Boltzmann: q-index for a finite ideal gas and its thermodynamic limit. Physical Review E, v. 101, n. 4, . (11/51676-9, 16/17612-7)
BARANOV, I.; LIMA, J. A. S.. Gravitationally induced particle production and its impact on the WIMP abundance. Physics Letters B, v. 751, p. 338-342, . (11/51676-9)
LIMA, J. A. S.; SANTOS, J.. Tolman-Ehrenfest-Klein law in non-Riemannian geometries. Physical Review D, v. 104, n. 12, . (11/51676-9)
ABRAHAM, ZULEMA; BEAKLINI, PEDRO P. B.; COX, PIERRE; FALCETA-GONCALVES, DIEGO; NYMAN, LARS-AKE. Telluric absorption lines in the ALMA spectra of eta Car. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v. 517, n. 1, p. 12-pg., . (14/07460-0, 11/51676-9)
BEAKLINI, PEDRO P. B.; QUADROS, ALLAN V. C.; DE AVELLAR, MARCIO G. B.; DANTAS, MARIA L. L.; CANCADO, ANDRE L. F.. AGN dichotomy beyond radio loudness: a Gaussian mixture model analysis. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v. 497, n. 2, p. 12-pg., . (14/07460-0, 11/51676-9, 13/26258-4)
ARAUJO, L. F.; LIMA, J. A. S.; LUGONES, G.. Impact of dark energy on the structure of neutron stars: The vacuum case. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 110, n. 4, p. 13-pg., . (11/51676-9, 22/02341-9)
TREVISANI, S. R. G.; LIMA, J. A. S.. Gravitational matter creation, multi-fluid cosmology and kinetic theory. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, v. 83, n. 3, p. 17-pg., . (11/51676-9)

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