Research Grants 14/05302-8 - Animais silvestres, Tamanduá-bandeira - BV FAPESP
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Isolation and genetic characterization of Toxoplasma gondii in Myrmecophaga tridactyla (Linnaeus, 1758)


Toxoplasma gondii is an obligate intracellular parasite that causes toxoplasmosis, which affect both humans and animals. In wildlife infection by T. gondii is common and several studies in the literature have demonstrated their occurrence in different organisms . In animals , just as in humans, the problems arising from infection by T. gondii, have been the subject of several studies aimed at understanding the epidemiological, clinical, and even economic, caused by the presence of this parasite. Even in animals, such aspects are important since they are repositories of the parasite. However, knowledge of the natural history of most parasitic zoonoses in South America is still poorly understood both in humans and in animals. Particularly in the past , the difficulty in obtaining samples and insufficient knowledge of the biology , ecology and behavior limit these searches. This study aims to isolate and characterize genetically (PCR - RFLP) samples of Toxoplasma gondii in the giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla ), an important wild animals of Northwest region of Sao Paulo state. (AU)

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Scientific publications (4)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
SARTORI, RICARDO QUITERIO; LOPES, ALESSANDRO GARCIA; AIRES, LUIZ PAULO NOGUEIRA; BIANCHI, RITA DE CASSIA; DE MATTOS, CINARA CASSIA BRANDAO; MORALES, ADRIANA COLETTO; CASTIGLIONI, LILIAN. Identifying Priority Giant Anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) Populations for Conservation in Sao Paulo State, Brazil. ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, v. 11, n. 2, . (16/13023-7, 13/18526-9, 14/05302-8)
ANTUNES MURATA, FERNANDO HENRIQUE; FERREIRA, MARINA NEVES; PEREIRA-CHIOCCOLA, VERA LUCIA; JUNQUEIRA FRANCO SPEGIORIN, LIGIA COSENTINO; MEIRA-STREJEVITCH, CRISTINA DA SILVA; GAVA, RICARDO; SILVEIRA-CARVALHO, APARECIDA PERPETUO; DE MATTOS, LUIZ CARLOS; BRANDAO DE MATTOS, CINARA CASSIA; GRP, FAMERP TOXOPLASMA RES. Evaluation of serological and molecular tests used to identify Toxoplasma gondii infection in pregnant women attended in a public health service in Sao Paulo state, Brazil. DIAGNOSTIC MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASE, v. 89, n. 1, p. 13-19, . (12/07716-9, 14/05302-8, 13/15879-8, 12/07750-2, 14/09496-1, 14/01706-7)
JESUS PENA, HILDA FATIMA; FERRARI, VINICIUS MATHEUS; NOGUEIRA AIRES, LUIZ PAULO; SOARES, HERBERT SOUSA; OLIVEIRA, SOLANGE; ALVES, BRUNA FARIAS; GENNARI, SOLANGE MARIA; DUBEY, JITENDER P.; DE MATTOS, LUIZ CARLOS; BRANDAO DE MATTOS, CINARA CASSIA; et al. First isolation and genotyping of Toxoplasma gondii in a free-living giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) revealed a unique non-archetypal genotype. Acta Tropica, v. 204, . (14/05302-8, 14/25872-3)
MURATA, FERNANDO HENRIQUE ANTUNES; PREVIATO, MARIANA; FREDERICO, FABIO BATISTA; BARBOSA, AMANDA PIRES; NAKASHIMA, FABIANA; DE FARIA, JR., GERALDO MAGELA; SILVEIRA CARVALHO, APARECIDA PERPETUO; MEIRA STREJEVITCH, CRISTINA DA SILVA; PEREIRA-CHIOCCOLA, VERA LUCIA; CASTIGLIONI, LILIAN; et al. Evaluation of Serological and Molecular Tests Used for the Identification of Toxoplasma gondii Infection in Patients Treated in an Ophthalmology Clinic of a Public Health Service in Sao Paulo State, Brazil. FRONTIERS IN CELLULAR AND INFECTION MICROBIOLOGY, v. 9, . (12/07716-9, 14/05302-8, 13/15879-8, 12/07750-2, 13/10050-5, 18/09448-8, 18/04709-8)

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