Research Grants 14/10126-4 - Candida haemulonii, Resistência microbiana a medicamentos - BV FAPESP
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Clinical and microbiological features of Candida haemulonii complex isolates from HC-FMUSP


Factors such as the use of invasive devices, wide-spectrum antimicrobials and immunosuppressors are responsible for infections by rare pathogens that may be associated with high morbidity and mortality. The species of Candida haemulonii complex are emerging pathogens that are still poorly studied in the country. Isolates with resistance to fluconazole and amphotericin were described.Since the publication of the first case of infection in the country in 2012 in a patient of the Cancer Institute of São Paulo , new isolates were identified in our Institution. Until January 2014, 21 cases were identified in HCFMUSP, being characterized as Candida haemulonii only by conventional phenotypic methodology ( VITEK2 , BioMérieux , France). However, Candida haemulonii is now considered a complex formed by three species : C. haemulonii , C. and C. duobushaemulonii pseudohaemulonii .This retrospective study aims to characterize the species complex C. haemulonii with emphasis in microbiological, epidemiological and clinical aspects.The identification of isolates by the gold standard technique ( ITS1 rDNA sequencing ) will serve as the basis for standardization of speciation by mass spectrometry MALDI - TOF in HC - USP . The correlation between clinical outcome , and treatment in vitro susceptibility (gold standard method : microdilution ) test through statistical tools will establish the best therapeutic option for infections caused by C. haemulonii species in HCFMUSP. (AU)

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(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
DE ALMEIDA, JR., JOAO NOBREGA; FRANCISCO, ELAINE CRISTINA; DE ANDRADE BARBERINO, MARIA GORETH M.; DA SILVA FILHO, LUIZ VICENTE RIBEIRO F.; BRANDAO, ORIANA M.; COLOMBO, ARNALDO LOPES; BARBOSA PADOVAN, ANA CAROLINA. Emergence of Trichosporon mycotoxinivorans (Apiotrichum mycotoxinivorans) invasive infections in Latin America. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, v. 112, n. 10, p. 719-722, . (14/10126-4)
GRENFELL, RAFAELLA C.; DA SILVA JUNIOR, AFONSO R.; DEL NEGRO, GILDA M. B.; MUNHOZ, REGINA B.; GIMENES, VIVIANE M. F.; ASSIS, DIEGO M.; ROCKSTROH, ANNA C.; MOTTA, ADRIANA L.; ROSSI, FLAVIA; JULIANO, LUIZ; et al. Identification of Candida haemulonii Complex Species: Use of ClinProTools (TM) to Overcome Limitations of the Bruker Biotyper (TM), VITEK MS (TM) IVD, and VITEK MS (TM) RUO Databases. FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY, v. 7, . (14/10126-4)

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