Research Grants 15/11149-0 - Espectroscopia vibracional, Espectroscopia Raman - BV FAPESP
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High-pressure Raman Spectroscopy: monitoring the behavior and reactivity of liquids and conducting polymers


This project describes the research activities that will be held at the Laboratório de Espectroscopia Molecular (LEM) - University of São Paulo, with direct collaboration from visiting Professor Roberto Bini from University of Florence, Italy. We have exchanged ideas with Prof. Bini who has helped us to solve experimental problems and analyze results. Professor Bini´s visit at our laboratory will coincide with the 2015 IUCr High-Pressure Workshop, which Prof. Bini has been invited to attend. His visit will benefit the continuity of our collaboration and will last one month and a half starting on August 15th, 2015. Professor's Bini research interest is the behavior of molecular systems under high pressure with particular reference to aromatics. He has systematically been contributing to this field, which can be measured by the large number of published papers in the most prestigious journals 2-8. High pressure Raman experiments at LEM started with the studies of ionic liquid phase transitions performed by Prof. Dr. Ribeiro and his students (T.C. Penna, L.F. O. Faria, J.R. Matos, M.C.C. Ribeiro, J. Chem. Phys. 138, 104503 (2013); L.F.O. Faria, T.C. Penna, M.C.C. Ribeiro, J. Phys. Chem. B 117, 10905 (2013)). The current researchers developing high pressure studies in their post-doctoral projects are Dr. Marcelo M. Nobrega (FAPESP grant 2014/15107-8 supervised by Prof. Dr. Marcia L.A. Temperini and Dr. Thamires A. Lima (FAPESP grant 2014/15049-8, supervised by Prof. Dr. Mauro C.C. Ribeiro. In addition, there are PhD projects by students Felipe O. Faria (FAPESP grant 2011/22926-7), Tatiana C. Penna (FAPESP grant 2013/07741-6) both supervised by Prof. Dr. Mauro C.C. Ribeiro and Jocasta N.L. Avila supervised by Prof. Dr. Paulo S. Santos. (AU)

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