Research Grants 15/02404-7 - Idosos, Postura - BV FAPESP
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Addition of haptic information for postural control in young and old (fallers and non-fallers) adults: comparative analysis of the paradigms of light touch and the anchor system


Fallers older adults have greater postural instability than their non-fallers pairs. The use of additional haptic information reduces body sway in young adults and non-fallers older adults. There are two paradigms for this purpose: light touch and anchor system. The light touch consists of slightly touching a rigid surface with the tip of the index finger. The anchor system consists in holding in each hand a flexible cable with a light mass (125 g) attached at the end that is in contact with the ground. Despite the reduction in body sway with the use of these paradigms, it is unclear whether they equally reduce body sway. This is important because it helps identifying whether there are advantages in using one or other of these paradigms. In addition, fallers older adults may have more difficulty using the additional haptic information provided by these paradigms, since they have higher demand for attention to make their motor actions and it is known the light touch competes for attention. Also, considering that the paradigms of light touch and anchor have different points of contact (palm for the anchor and fingertip to the light touch) and different number of points of contact (two hands for the anchor system and one hand for light touch) is important to analyze these factors to make the comparison between them the most effective. Thus, this project aims to analyze the effect of adding haptic information to the control of posture, as well as compare the effect of both light touch and anchor system paradigms, compare the effect of different points of contact and compare the effect of the number of contact points to the control of posture in young adults, fallers and non-fallers older adults. Participants will be asked to stand upright with feet together, performing conditions combining the use of light touch/anchor system, points of contact (finger and palm) and the number of contact points (two hands and one hand). Both the anchor and the touch bar will be instrumented with a triaxial force transducer. Variables related to the displacement of the center of pressure and body center of mass will be computed. It is expected that the results of this study will help identifying more clearly the differences between the light touch and the anchor system paradigms with respect to the control of posture in young adults, fallers and non-fallers older adults. These results have important implications, as will set the advantages of the use of one or another paradigm, as well as the relationship between information deriving from different points of contact (i.e., hand and finger) and number of contact points (i.e., two hands and one hand) to the control of posture. (AU)

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Scientific publications (4)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
MORAES, RENATO; BEDO, BRUNO L. S.; SANTOS, LUCIANA O.; BATISTELA, ROSANGELA A.; SANTIAGO, PAULO R. P.; MAUERBERG-DECASTRO, ELIANE. Additional Haptic Information Provided by Anchors Reduces Postural Sway in Young Adults Less Than Does Light Touch. FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE, v. 12, . (15/02404-7)
BATISTEL, ROSANGELA ALICE; OATES, ALISON; MORAES, RENATO. Haptic information and cognitive-visual task reduce postural sway in faller and non-faller older adults. HUMAN MOVEMENT SCIENCE, v. 60, p. 150-161, . (15/02404-7)
DA SILVA COSTA, ANDREA ABUD; DOS SANTOS, LUCIANA OLIVEIRA; MAUERBERG-DECASTRO, ELIANE; MORAES, RENATO. Task difficulty has no effect on haptic anchoring during tandem walking in young and older adults. Neuroscience Letters, v. 666, p. 133-138, . (15/02404-7, 13/23791-3)
BATISTELA, ROSANGELA ALICE; OATES, ALISON; MORAES, RENATO. Haptic information provided by anchors and the presence of cognitive tasks contribute separately to reducing postural sway in young adults. GAIT & POSTURE, v. 68, p. 213-219, . (15/02404-7)

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