Research Grants 14/50686-9 - Propriedade intelectual, Inovação - BV FAPESP
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UNESP academic technologies international protection: valuation mechanism of knowledge developed at the university environment


The mission of agency UNESP of innovation - UNESP technology transfer office is the management of intellectual property and innovation policy of the intellectual creations owned by this university. In order to fulfill this goal, it has two basic end-activities: intellectual property protection and knowledge transfer. After 5 years from its start-up, intellectual property policy and procedures on national level are well settled. Academic community has internalized the importance on investing on knowledge protection today; UNESP has a permanent team to work at its TTO and has an annual budget, which funds all the procedures for IP protection in national level, from technological prospection, going through patent application and patent prosecution of IP portfolio. Nevertheless, it is necessary to improve the existing protection, in international level, aiming add value to the existing technologies, making them more attractive to be licensed by both national and international companies. Due to globalization, technology transfer is not restrained to national territory - foreigner companies are interested by licensing intellectual property developed by Brazilian universities. Besides that, considering the goal of internationalizing Brazilian universities, UNESP more and more has established international research partnerships, from which new co-owned patent applications have raised. Therefore, the goal of this project is to increase Unesp's international IP portfolio, particularly the ones that arise from scientific projects funded by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo - FAPESP. Technologies are going to be evaluated considering its development stage and economic potential, according to methodology adopted by agency UNESP in innovation, and the most promising technologies will be internationalized, using the mechanisms existing in the International intellectual Property System. With this project, AUIN wants to contribute to UNESP international projection as a research university, capable of develop technologies that presents global appeal and with vocation to be inserted in the global context of innovation processes. In this process, FAPESP has been giving a great contribution, and this second edition of PAPI/Nuplitec bid will contribute even more to São Paulo State universities. (AU)

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