Research Grants 15/24467-0 - Próteses e implantes, Recursos para a pesquisa - BV FAPESP
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Annual plan for use of funds to the research infrastructure maintenance of FOP - UNICAMP, 2015


FOP currently has seven Graduate Programs. At the last evaluation by CAPES, corresponding to the three-year period of 2010 - 2013, four programs of our School received grades of Excellence for Graduate programs, three were 6 and one 7. This performance leaves FOP in a very comfortable position, considering Graduate Courses. From all Brazilian Graduate Courses with excellence grades (CAPES 6 and 7) in the field of Dentistry four are at FOP and two in other Schools. Other criteria settle FOP leadership in research, as the number of scholarships for research productivity granted by CNPq to the field of Dentistry. Nearly a quarter of them are granted for our School. The number of students is also significant, more than 500 active students in MSc´s or PhD´s, developing their theses research in about 80 lines of investigation, advised nearly 80 Professor from FOP and a similar number of collaborating researchers. Since the beginning of Postgraduate Courses, 1,300 MSc dissertations and 700 PhD Thesis were presented and approved at FOP. Almost half of FOP´s professor's has served Postdoctoral research abroad. Although the performance of Postgraduate studies and research at FOP is noteworthy, the institutional infrastructure in not comparable. FOP´s main building relatively old, almost 40 years, and has suffered the inevitable aging process, beyond the precarious maintenance caused by budget constraints. Thus there is a pressing need for infrastructure conditions improvement, in order to at least maintain minimally adequate working conditions. This project proposes improvements in the electrical network and security surveillance. The objective of this project is to describe the implementation plan for the 2014´s Institutional Technical Reserve - RTI/FAPESP, in the amount of R$ 89.155,00, to be implemented during the year 2015. (AU)

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