Research Grants 16/07061-3 - Física de hádrons, Grupo de renormalização - BV FAPESP
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Effective theories in few- and many-body hadronic systems


This project consists on the development of works in three topics of hadron physics, all involving effective theories and renormalization methods. The first problem is the study of nuclei and hadronic matter using effective interactions obtained with the similarity renormalization group and the investigation of its infrared limit. The second problem is the application of the renormalization group to the chiral NN interactions at N3LO, where we can investigate the evolution of the interactions with the Callan-Symanzik flow equations. The third problem is the use of the NJL model to study the magnetized quark matter and to compare renormalization methods. (AU)

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Scientific publications (8)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
BATISTA, E. F.; SZPIGEL, S.; TIMOTEO, V. S.. Renormalization of Chiral Nuclear Forces with Multiple Subtractions in Peripheral Channels. Advances in High Energy Physics, . (16/07061-3)
TIMOTEO, V. S.; RUIZ ARRIOLA, E.; SZPIGEL, S.. Phase Transition in the SRG Flow of Nuclear Interactions. FEW-BODY SYSTEMS, v. 58, n. 2, . (16/07061-3, 16/05554-2)
AVANCINI, SIDNEY S.; DEXHEIMER, VERONICA; FARIAS, RICARDO L. S.; TIMOTEO, VARESE S.. Anisotropy in the equation of state of strongly magnetized quark matter within the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. Physical Review C, v. 97, n. 3, . (16/07061-3)
FARIAS, RICARDO L. S.; TIMTEO, VARESE S.; AVANCINI, SIDNEY S.; PINTO, MARCUS B.; KREIN, GASTO. Thermo-magnetic effects in quark matter: Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model constrained by lattice QCD. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A, v. 53, n. 5, . (13/01907-0, 16/07061-3)
BATISTA, E. F.; SZPIGEL, S.; TIMOTEO, V. S.; ORR, NA; PLOSZAJCZAK, M; MARQUES, FM; CARBONELL, J. Exploring High Quality Chiral Forces. RECENT PROGRESS IN FEW-BODY PHYSICS, v. 238, p. 4-pg., . (16/07061-3)
AVANCINI, SIDNEY S.; DEXHEIMER, VERONICA; FARIAS, RICARDO L. S.; TIMOTEO, VARESE S.. Anisotropy in the equation of state of strongly magnetized quark matter within the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, v. 97, n. 3, p. 8-pg., . (16/07061-3)
BATISTA, E. F.; SZPIGEL, S.; TIMOTEO, V. S.. Renormalization of Chiral Nuclear Forces with Multiple Subtractions in Peripheral Channels. Advances in High Energy Physics, v. 2017, p. 15-pg., . (16/07061-3)
RUIZ ARRIOLA, E.; SZPIGEL, S.; TIMOTEO, V. S.; ORR, NA; PLOSZAJCZAK, M; MARQUES, FM; CARBONELL, J. Neutron Matter in the Unitary Limit with Implicit Renormalization of Short Range Interactions. RECENT PROGRESS IN FEW-BODY PHYSICS, v. 238, p. 5-pg., . (16/07061-3)

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