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Biomechanical modelling and clinical assessment data gathering with technological innovations towards movement restoration and sports performance for people with disabilities


The Proposal reflects our approach towards data gathering based on functional diagnoses for the disabled i. e., amputees and spinal cord injured subjects (shoulder, spine, hips, knees, ankle), metabolic and neurologic changes thus characterizing the long term outcome of spinal cord injury (SCI) during physical activity, in particular related to parathletes. Innovation is emphasized by: fitness/health equipment in neurological disorders i.e, Paralympics, wheelchair aided sports, rugby, etc.; putting evidence into practice through quantitative measurement systems for the clinic, implementing apps and disseminating knowledge through cloud computing. Movement analysis of walking, prehension, dynamic balance, joint loading during wheelchair motion will be performed on paralympic sports. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
VENTURA, ANELISE; BATAGLIA, JOAO MARCOS PERON; GINJA, GABRIEL; VAROTO, RENATO; CLIQUET, ALBERTO, JR.. Design and fast-fabrication of a system for functional electrical stimulation in upper limb of people with tetraplegia. SPINAL CORD SERIES AND CASES, v. 8, n. 1, p. 7-pg., . (17/06147-4, 16/50253-0)
JULIA SILVA E LIMA SCHLEDER; DANIELLY CAROLINE DE SOUZA RAMELLO; MAURO DUARTE CARON; ALBERTO CLIQUET JUNIOR. Análise biomecánica da marcha de pacientes com osteonecrose da cabeça do fémur. Rev. bras. ortop., v. 58, n. 3, p. 500-506, . (17/06147-4)

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