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Air pollution exposure assessment and mitigation for São Paulo commuters


Urban commuters are exposed to high concentrations of traffic emissions due to their proximity to on-road vehicles. Several epidemiological studies relate particulate matter (PM), including black carbon (BC), exposure with both mortality and morbidity caused by cardiovascular, respiratory, and neurodegenerative diseases. As a part of this project, we aim to build upon the already data collected through the FAPESP funded projects ASTRID (Accessibility, Social justice and Transport emission Impacts of transit-oriented Development strategies, process FAPESP number 2015/50128-9), PEDALS (Particles and Black Carbon Exposure to London and Sao Paulo Bike-Lane Users, process FAPESP number 2016/50470-1). This visit aims to bring together the two world-leading groups from USP (lead by Prof Maria de Fatima Andrade) and Surrey (led by Prof Prashant Kumar) to address one of the biggest threats to man-kind currently - air pollution exposure. We will carry out the following activities during the project visit: (i) to identifying pollution hotspots to establish microscale variation in human exposure for assessing health impacts by analyzing the data collected in ASTRID and PEDALS projects for the preparation of joint publications; (ii) to deliver short courses (2 × 2h) to Masters/PhD students in the area of environmental science related to exposure science and a research seminar open to all university wide researchers at the host department; and (iii) to foster student and staff mobility/exchanges and develop further research ideas for joint proposals and publications, and establish a long-term platform for future collaborative activities. (AU)

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