Research Grants 17/06696-8 - Pesquisa sobre serviços de saúde, Administração de serviços de saúde - BV FAPESP
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Participatory Evaluation of Hypertension Care directed to the principle of integrality

Grant number: 17/06696-8
Support Opportunities:Regular Research Grants
Field of knowledge:Health Sciences - Collective Health - Public Health
Principal Investigator:Oswaldo Yoshimi Tanaka
Grantee:Oswaldo Yoshimi Tanaka
Host Institution: Faculdade de Saúde Pública (FSP). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Associated researchers:Cristiane Andréa Locatelli de Almeida ; Keila Silene de Brito e Silva


This project aims to evaluate, with the use of a participatory methodology, the relationship between Primary Care and Specialized Care on Hypertension - taken here as a tracer of the relations between the different levels of assistance - in Sao Paulo. The study will use a mixed methodology, integrating quantitative and qualitative approaches. Quantitative data will be collected in DATASUS information systems and through targeted surveys, in order to formulate hypotheses about the logic of procedures, performed at primary and secondary levels, for disease diagnosis and monitoring in several health regions of the city. The region with results that indicate a greater possibility of testing the hypotheses made, will be chosen for the qualitative approach, which will also have the objective of understanding the effect of the bond and co-responsibility between service and user to reach the effectiveness of care. For this step and the following, teams and professionals, responsible for the care of patients with systemic hypertension, will be invited to join the evaluation group. At the end of the study, we will hold a meta-evaluation based on the criteria of "Utility" and "Participation", given the importance attributed to the participatory methodology of evaluation for a reflective appropriation and use of the process and results in decision-making at the local level management. (AU)

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