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Variation of reproductive output and recruitment of invertebrate groups on rocky shores in function of changes on sea level due storms and wave impact

Grant number: 11/12760-4
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate
Effective date (Start): January 01, 2012
Effective date (End): February 28, 2014
Field of knowledge:Biological Sciences - Ecology - Ecosystems Ecology
Principal Investigator:Aurea Maria Ciotti
Grantee:Ana Carolina de Azevedo Mazzuco
Host Institution: Centro de Biologia Marinha (CEBIMAR). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Sebastião , SP, Brazil
Associated scholarship(s):11/20658-5 - Variation of reproductive output and recruitment of invertebrate groups on rocky shores in function of changes on sea level due storms and wave impact, BE.EP.DR


Coastal upwelling produce contrasts in the pelagic environment due to the increase of the primary production, the generation of temperature oscillations and the variation of the patterns of the surface currents with important ecological implications to the coastal benthic communities. This process generates spatio-temporal variations of larval supply, as well as variations of the reproductive output of benthic populations. Due to the oceanographic dynamic at this region, we will study the effects of wave impact, emersion, temperature and Chl-a concentration on the spatio-temporal variability of both reproductive output and recruitment, and the relationship between them along the east Coast of Ilha Bela. Barnacles and bivalves will be used as biological models to describe the desired processes. The observations will be conduced biweekly for one year, using integrative sampling methods. The relationship among those oceanographic variables and recruitment and reproductive output will also be investigated. We believe that this study will contribute to a better comprehension of the relationship between recruitment and reproductive output at the study area, and it will generate spatio-temporal integrated data which could be used in ecological modeling.

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
DE AZEVEDO MAZZUCO, ANA CAROLINA; CHRISTOFOLETTI, RONALDO ADRIANO; COUTINHO, RICARDO; CIOTTI, AUREA MARIA. The influence of atmospheric cold fronts on larval supply and settlement of intertidal invertebrates: Case studies in the Cabo Frio coastal upwelling system (SE Brazil). JOURNAL OF SEA RESEARCH, v. 137, p. 47-56, . (11/20658-5, 11/12760-4)
MAZZUCO, A. C. A.; CHRISTOFOLETTI, R. A.; PINEDA, J.; STARCZAK, V. R.; CIOTTI, A. M.. Temporal variation in intertidal community recruitment and its relationships to physical forcings, chlorophyll-a concentration and sea surface temperature. Marine Biology, v. 162, n. 9, p. 1705-1725, . (11/12760-4)
Academic Publications
(References retrieved automatically from State of São Paulo Research Institutions)
MAZZUCO, Ana Carolina de Azevedo. Variation in recruitment rates of rocky shore intertidal invertebrates in response to alterations in physical forcings, chlorophyll-a concentration and temperature: the effect of cold fronts. 2015. Doctoral Thesis - Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Instituto Oceanográfico (IO/DIDC) São Paulo.

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