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Automation and supervision, trough supervisory control anda Data aquicsition, for biodiesel s process production

Grant number: 12/19652-5
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Scientific Initiation
Effective date (Start): November 01, 2012
Effective date (End): July 31, 2013
Field of knowledge:Engineering - Electrical Engineering
Principal Investigator:Jean Marcos de Souza Ribeiro
Grantee:Carlos Henrique Pompeo Teles
Host Institution: Faculdade de Engenharia (FEIS). Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP). Campus de Ilha Solteira. Ilha Solteira , SP, Brazil


This work has as purpose the student's scientific improvement for a real and physical process, more specifically in the automation area. Firstly, is proposed whole concept about the biodiesel's question as energy source in Brazil. After that, is done a study about the BIOCOM reactor's operation and whole the electromechanical process to biodiesel's production.After the first part, the student is inserted on the plant operation sequence. On this case, the student has the earliest opportunity to identify necessary tools to automation and do simulations about the process.Another purpose for this plane is to make models and simulations with necessary known transfer functions through Matlab/Simulink software. Besides, is proposed to study about DDE communication protocol for that the PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) could act on the simulated plant.The process control is going to be automatized with PLC to improve efficiency and make the automatized process better than the older and manual one. To implement automation is going to use softwares like PLC's, programmed with Ladder Language, and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition - SCADA.Finished these simulation stages, the student must identify supervisories softwares, sensors, communication modules, PLC's, and others automations's tools that need to be specified. Consequently, we are going to compare and get information about costs and mixed blessing for both projects (electromechanical and automatized). The final purpose for this research is to implement a control logic through of the PLC on the biodiesel production plant from Matlab/Simulink. The PLC´s control acting on the plant will happen through the DDE communication protocol. In other hands, the DDE does the communication between the supervisory software and the Matlab/Simulink. Finally, the results have to improve the process time and the final product quality.(AU)

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