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"Tips from those who have read": a discursive analysis of reading representations entered in testimonials of readers posted on Galeno's blog

Grant number: 13/14868-2
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Scientific Initiation
Effective date (Start): September 01, 2013
Effective date (End): December 30, 2014
Field of knowledge:Linguistics, Literature and Arts - Linguistics - Linguistic Theory and Analysis
Principal Investigator:Luzmara Curcino Ferreira
Grantee:Rafael Borges Ribeiro dos Santos
Host Institution: Centro de Educação e Ciências Humanas (CECH). Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR). São Carlos , SP, Brazil
Associated scholarship(s):14/02515-0 - Tips From Those Who Have Read: a discursive analysis of reading representations entered in testimonials of readers posted on Galeno's blog, BE.EP.IC


The project proposed here aims to conduct a survey data about what they read and how to read people who enjoy a certain visibility in the media (like internet, television, radio, magazine and newspaper) which, exactly because of being public and famous people, are consulted about their likes and gestures reading. This project falls within a general project, coordinated by the Department of Literature by Prof Dr Luzmara Curcino (FAPESP 2010/16139-0), in which it seeks to undertake a survey and description of community profiles contemporary readers. To contribute to the description of these profiles of readers, this particular project will take as the object of analysis, the "blog do Galeno", and more specifically the section titled "Tips from those who have read", currently composed of 370 reviews of public figures from which shall constitute our corpus. Our main goal is to learn clues about the reading practices of these subjects is worth and discursive representations that share about what is read, what is to be a reader, which are books that deserve to be declared as books read and what they say about the books read which hypothetically recommend reading these personalities. Our analysis is the first to describe some discourse representations guiding these comments in order to understand what are the most present on the speech reading constituting the imaginary about this practice and which are constantly in up-dated states of reading, in particular by non-specialists, with respect to ways of reading that are considered legitimate (or not) today, the myths / beliefs / ideas / theories about reading that these "tips" are supported, and also to what and how to imagine if duty read today. Therefore, the first step of our work include an overview of the blog, in order to map out and categorize the types of comments that for its specificities can be reassembled to subsequently analyze them in order to describe its regularities as the discourses about reading that foster it. Thus, theoretically subsidized by Discourse Analysis of French and some principles of the Cultural History of Reading, we intend to argue that constitute the imaginary speeches about reading among this audience that "indicates that read 'and reading practices are declared / represented for them, in order to better characterize the profile discursive traits that readership. (AU)

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