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The agrarian reform settlements and the housing issue: an analysis of the national rural housing program in the State of São Paulo

Grant number: 14/25045-0
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate
Effective date (Start): April 01, 2015
Effective date (End): June 01, 2018
Field of knowledge:Applied Social Sciences - Architecture and Town Planning - Architecture and Urbanism Technology
Acordo de Cooperação: Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES)
Principal Investigator:Akemi Ino
Grantee:Rodolfo José Viana Sertori
Host Institution: Instituto de Arquitetura e Urbanismo de São Carlos (IAU). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Carlos , SP, Brazil
Associated scholarship(s):16/21945-1 - Housing policy, planning and production of rural habitat: a study in different contexts of land reform, BE.EP.DR


This research project fits into the debate on the issue of housing in agrarian reform settlements in Brazil. Historically, there has never been in the country a national housing policy specific to the Brazilian peasantry, who could recognize, in coordination with other policies of democratizing access to land and field development, housing as a key element for their citizenship and residence in their habitat of work and life. In the particular case of the beneficiaries of the agrarian reform, from 1985 to 2012 the Credit Setup Program [INCRA] offered different allowances to reduce the housing deficit in the settlements. From 2013, however, the National Rural Housing Program [PNHR], linked to the Minha Casa, Minha Vida [MCMV], incorporated the families settled in their lines of credit. For families with annual gross income of up to R$ 15.000,00, the PNHR offers a subsidy of R$ 28.50,00, for the construction of new homes. With an initial target of producing seventy thousand housing units in the rural settlements in the country were hired, so far, only 2.357 units, distributed as follows: 1.011 for the North; 542 for the Midwest; 459 for the northeast; 208 for the South and 137 for the Southeast. Seeking to understand this new dynamic supply and housing production in rural settlements of the country, the main objective of this research is to examine how it has been operationalized the steps of: a) organization and qualification of housing demand in these settlements; b) development of criteria for selection and registration of beneficiaries; c) preparation of architectural designs; d) definition, approval and release of housing finance. The method used is the field research organized around three central dynamics: desk research, field visits and interviews. The desk research will be conducted through consultation with research reports and public records INCRA, the Ministry of Cities, financial agencies and other institutions. Intends to periodically update the number of families settled and camped in the national territory; families selected and processed by PNHR; and settlers who have already received other national housing programs families. From this information, it is intended to quantify, map and characterize the housing shortage in rural settlements, relating it to the housing provision in these settlements, particularly within the PNHR. Field visits and interviews will be conducted in some settlements of the state of São Paulo, whose families are already organized and registered in the program. Of 1.372 units demanded by families settled in the state, only 103 were actually approved by cash and are already under construction. In this sense, from an analysis of how PNHR has been operationalized in settlements located in the state of São Paulo, will also be part of the overall research strategy of monitoring meetings and seminars that have been organized by the Ministry of Cities, to revisit the budget, regulatory and nearby targets PNHR. The aim is thus to analyze the institutional relationships between the agents involved in this dynamic, as families, financial agents, MST, representatives of the Ministry of Cities and the INCRA, local contractors and technical assistants. Thus, it is expected that this research will expand on scientific, technical and political terms, the debate on the issue of housing in Brazil. Even though the issue of rural housing is incipient in the political and academic worlds, this research aims to give an overview on the state and national level, about how housing policy has been formulated and operationalized in the rural settlements of the country, highlighting its main results, obstacles and challenges. (AU)

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