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Effects of shape memory alloy elements on the behavior of aeroelastic systems and adaptive metamaterials

Grant number: 17/08467-6
Support Opportunities:Scholarships abroad - Research Internship - Post-doctor
Effective date (Start): August 14, 2017
Effective date (End): August 13, 2018
Field of knowledge:Engineering - Aerospace Engineering - Aerospace Structures
Principal Investigator:Carlos de Marqui Junior
Grantee:Vagner Candido de Sousa
Supervisor: Alper Erturk
Host Institution: Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos (EESC). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Carlos , SP, Brazil
Research place: Georgia Institute of Technology, United States  
Associated to the scholarship:15/26045-6 - Effects of shape memory alloy elements on the behavior of aeroelastic systems and adaptive metamaterials, BP.PD


The literature on aeroelasticity includes studies on the use of smart materials as sensors, actuators, as well as their combined applications for vibration control and damping, and most recently, for energy harvesting. Although different smart materials are available, shape memory alloys have received growing attention in aerospace applications. The hysteretic response of shape memory alloys exhibiting pseudoelasticity provides energy dissipating and damping capabilities for these materials and, therefore, the effectiveness of the pseudoelastic behavior of shape memory alloys has been investigated for passive structural vibration control. Its effects on improving the aeroelastic behavior of lifting surfaces have been recently reported in a series of paper authored by the post-doc researcher Vagner Sousa. The conclusions from recent work of the researcher with the additional topics to be investigated as part of the present proposal can also lead to the development of new metamaterials. The goal is to obtain metamaterials with tunable and adaptive properties (one of the challenges for the development of next generation structures with adaptive and self-regulating dispersion properties) through the use of nonlinear shape memory alloy resonators. Additionally, the possibility of enhanced adaptive properties of metamaterials by harnessing fluid-structure interactions will be also investigated. (AU)

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Scientific publications (5)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
DE SOUSA, VAGNER CANDIDO; TAN, DAVID; DE MARQUI JR, CARLOS; ERTURK, ALPER. Tunable metamaterial beam with shape memory alloy resonators: Theory and experiment. Applied Physics Letters, v. 113, n. 14, . (17/08467-6, 15/26045-6)
DE SOUSA, VAGNER CANDIDO; SUGINO, CHRISTOPHER; DE MARQUI JUNIOR, CARLOS; ERTURK, ALPER. Adaptive locally resonant metamaterials leveraging shape memory alloys. Journal of Applied Physics, v. 124, n. 6, . (15/26045-6, 17/08467-6)
DE SOUSA, VAGNER CANDIDO; SUGINO, CHRISTOPHER; DE MARQUI JUNIOR, CARLOS; ERTURK, ALPER; ERTURK, A; HAN, JH. Locally resonant metamaterials with shape-memory alloy springs. ACTIVE AND PASSIVE SMART STRUCTURES AND INTEGRATED SYSTEMS XII, v. 10595, p. 12-pg., . (17/08467-6, 15/26045-6)
SILVA, TARCISIO MARINELLI PEREIRA; CLEMENTINO, MARCEL ARAUJO; DE SOUSA, VAGNER CANDIDO; JUNIOR, CARLOS DE MARQUI. An Experimental Study of a Piezoelectric Metastructure With Adaptive Resonant Shunt Circuits. IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS, v. 25, n. 2, p. 1076-1083, . (17/08467-6, 13/15264-3, 18/15894-0, 15/26045-6)
DE CARVALHO DIAS, JOSE AUGUSTO; CANDIDO DE SOUSA, VAGNER; ERTURK, ALPER; DE MARQUI JUNIOR, CARLOS. Nonlinear piezoelectric plate framework for aeroelastic energy harvesting and actuation applications. Smart Materials and Structures, v. 29, n. 10, . (14/21827-3, 17/08467-6, 15/26045-6, 16/13717-9)

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