Scholarship 22/16166-4 - Análise de dados, Grande Colisor de Hádrons - BV FAPESP
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Simulation and analysis techniques for LHC collision data

Grant number: 22/16166-4
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Scientific Initiation
Start date until: February 01, 2023
End date until: August 31, 2023
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Physics - Elementary Particle Physics and Fields
Principal Investigator:Jun Takahashi
Grantee:Cicero Domenico Muncinelli
Host Institution: Instituto de Física Gleb Wataghin (IFGW). Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Campinas , SP, Brazil
Associated research grant:17/05685-2 - Hadronic physics in high energy nuclear collisions, AP.ESP


This scientific project seeks to include a student in a current area of intense research, Particle Physics, aiming to complement his academic training and prepare for graduate studies. The project foresees studies on theories and models that are currently used to compare with experimental results from the LHC. Among the planned practical activities, the student should become familiar with Monte Carlo simulation codes that reproduce data from collisions measured at the LHC and data analysis techniques applied at high energies. With this, it is expected that the student can learn about the main experimental observables and how they relate to physical processes of interest. After the first familiarization stage, the student should deepen in a specific physical process of interest, and in the experimental observables related to this process and in the limitations and difficulties that exist in the comparison of model results with experimental results. Among the several possible processes that can be studied, we highlight the models of fragmentation and jet formation, models of hydrodynamic evolution applied in collisions of heavy nuclei, and statistical thermodynamic models applied to the description of the chemical composition of particles. The project will be developed together with the Experimental Hadronic Physics Group (Hadrex), from the Gleb Wataghin Institute of Physics at UNICAMP, which is an active member of the ALICE experiment collaboration at the LHC. Being directly linked to the group's lines of research, there will be support from other members, such as master's, doctoral and post-doctoral students.

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