Development of method for the determination of iri... - BV FAPESP
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Development of method for the determination of iridium, palladium, platinum and rhodium in mesoporosa silica for catalyst use by ICP OES

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Valeska Meirelles Sousa
Total Authors: 1
Document type: Master's Dissertation
Press: São Paulo.
Institution: Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Conjunto das Químicas (IQ e FCF) (CQ/DBDCQ)
Defense date:
Examining board members:
Pedro Vitoriano de Oliveira; Ivanise Gaubeur; Thiago Regis Longo Cesar da Paixão
Advisor: Pedro Vitoriano de Oliveira

The aim of this study was to evaluate parameters such as grinding, particle size, homogeneity, segregation, sample dissolution and slurry sampling for method development for the determination of Ir, Pd, Pt and Rh in silica mesoporosa for catalyst using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP OES). After the grind in an electronic grider with mill and pistil, the analysis of the particle size distribution showed 89% of particles with sizes <100 &#181;m and 23% of particles with sizes <5&#181;m. The separation in different particle size fractions showed that the sample with coarse grind (as sent to the lab) is not homogenous for the elements in comparison with that submitted to grind. X-Ray Diffraction and X-Ray Fluorescence analysis did not showed chemical reactions during the grinding, however a discrepancy between results of different laboratories. The performance of ICP OES was made by using figures of merit such as selectivity, repeatability, stability, robustness and limit of detection. In the optimization of ICP OES power supply, nebulizer flow rate and auxiliary gas flow rate were considered. Studies were conducted in aqueous and in the sample solution to choose emission wavelengths for Ir, Pd, Pt, Rh and internal standard candidates. Despite the good results obtained in aqueous solution, increasing the background signal in sample media restricted the choice of the emission wavelengths. For sample dissolution four procedures using microwave oven with closed-vessel were evaluated. The best results were obtained with 150 mg of the sample, 6 mL of aqua-regia and 210 ºC of heating, during 60 min. Determinations by ICP OES using internal standards Ru for Pd, Yb for Pt, and Dy for Rh were those who provided more consistent results in comparison with those obtained by x-ray fluorescence. For slurry sampling introduction sush parameters were evaluated: the mass of sample to prepare the slurry, the effect of the nitric acid concentration and the use of internal standard to correct matrix effects. 60 mg of the sample with a final volume of 20 mL of nitric acid 0.5% (v v-1) were chosen. However, the determination of Pd, Pt and Rh via suspension showed concentrations below to those expected, as determined by ICP OES in solution. Iridium was investigated only for ICP OES optimization because the silica mesoporosa for automobile catalyst use have not this element in its composition. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 10/04857-5 - Method development for the determination of rhodium, paladium, iridium and platinum in mesoporous silica used as catalist by ICP OES
Grantee:Valeska Meirelles Sousa
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Master