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\The pencil is heavier than the hoe\: agrarian reform in Chile and peasant pedagogies for economic transformation (1955-1973)

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Joana Salem Vasconcelos
Total Authors: 1
Document type: Doctoral Thesis
Press: São Paulo.
Institution: Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas (FFLCH/SBD)
Defense date:
Examining board members:
Jorge Luis da Silva Grespan; Lincoln Ferreira Secco; Heidi Elizabeth Tinsman; Rolando Eugenio Alvarez Vallejos
Advisor: Jorge Luis da Silva Grespan

This PhD dissertation investigates the history of agrarian reform in Chile from a dialectical perspective between economics and culture, suggesting that the hierarchies of access to land were also epistemological hierarchies. In Chile of 1955, only 7% of landowners controlled 78% of the agricultural land, while rural illiteracy reached 60% of the adult population. I argue that land concentration and educational exclusion were part of the same structure of domination and dependent capitalist accumulation. The need to transform this structure triggered several peasant education initiatives that aimed to train new subjects for the new agriculture. Between 1955 and 1973, three urban projects for agrarian transformation clashed and disputed rural hegemony: technocratic modernization; Christian-Democratic structural agrarian reform; and the agrarian revolution from the Chilean road to socialism. The different peasant pedagogies for economic transformation sought to form productive subjectivities (moral economies) appropriate to distinct regimes of property and labor. Such pedagogies were challenged by struggles, agencies, and heterogeneous experiences of an increasingly organized peasantry. Paulo Freire\'s presence in Chile (1964-1968) and his influence on agrarian reform institutions is a key component of this narrative. I maintain that the agrarian reform initiated in 1967 by the government of Christian Democracy and accelerated by Popular Unity changed agrarian and cultural structures at different temporalities, destabilizing social hierarchies of land and knowledge. Each chapter of the thesis has its own documentary corpus, to narrate specific pedagogical strategies for agrarian transformation. The research is based on primary sources from seven archives in three countries (Chile, USA, Brazil), including teaching materials, reports from rural educators, reports from researchers to the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations, documents from the Institute of Rural Education, INDAP, CORA, FEES, ICIRA, peasant course programs, transcriptions of culture circles with peasant voices, images used in Freirean pedagogies, various press vehicles, parliamentary sessions, minutes of meetings of agricultural institutions, presidential speeches, party documents, photos and more than forty oral history interviews. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 16/13432-4 - "The pencil is heavier than the hoe": agrarian reform in Chile and peasant pedagogies for economic transformation (1955-1973)
Grantee:Joana Salem Vasconcelos
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate