Anatomia e fitoquímica de espécies de Aldama La Ll... - BV FAPESP
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Anatomia e fitoquímica de espécies de Aldama La Llave (Heliantheae - Asteraceae)

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Aline Bertolosi Bombo
Total Authors: 1
Document type: Doctoral Thesis
Press: Campinas, SP.
Institution: Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Instituto de Biologia
Defense date:
Examining board members:
Beatriz Appezzato da Glória; Juliana Lischka Sampaio Mayer; Renata Maria Strozi Alves Meira; Diego Demarco; Sandra Maria Carmello Guerreiro
Advisor: Beatriz Appezzato da Glória; Vera Lucia Garcia

Asteracae family (Compositae) comprises 1620 genus and about 23600 species. It is well represented in Cerrado areas, with several endemic species. The family is divided into 21 tribes, including Heliantheae, to which belongs the Aldama (= Viguiera) genus. Its representatives, as all the other representatives of the tribe, are well characterized by their reproductive morphological features. However, generic delimitations are often not quite defined and studies based only on external morphological characteristics are ineffective for solving taxonomic problems. The Brazilian Aldama genus comprises 35 species, 17 of which are endemic and mainly distributed in Cerrado areas. It is a genus that has complex taxonomical classification and problems in establishing general and specific boundaries, and it was already reviewed in several studies, which indicated the Brazilian Aldama species form a cohesive group along with other South American representatives. The species of this study were chosen because they are difficult to identify taxonomically, they have resiniferous potential, and they are representative species from key morphological groups in the Aldama genus and could help in future taxonomical investigations, and they are: Aldama bakeriana, A. discolor, A. grandiflora and A. squalida. These four species are morphologically very similar, being differentiated based only on reproductive characteristics and anatomical studies could help in elucidating these delimitation problems. Furthermore, studies have been demonstrated that identifying the chemical composition of these oils can help in the search for possible bioactive compoundsand provide useful information for taxonomic studies into the genus. Usual histological techniques, as well as phytochemical and molecular biology techniques, were employed. The comparative analyses among the species allowed the identification of a set of anatomical features for each species, which can help solve the taxonomic problems raised by the four species analyzed herein. Anatomical changed due to the climate and soil conditions were also evaluated, and no significant variation was identified among the different populations and locations analyzed. In addition to the identification of the secretory sites of thecompounds having biological and, or pharmacological potential, the studies regarding the essential oils revealed that these compounds can serve as chemical markers in these species, complementing the anatomical data. Also, one of the secretory structures more reported to the genus and to the Asteraceae family as a whole, the capitate glandular trichome, was detailed described in one given species, regarding its ontogeny, metabolic profiles, and gene expression, as a model for the genus (AU)

FAPESP's process: 12/01586-6 - Anatomy and phytochemistry of Aldama La Llave (Asteraceae - Heliantheae)species
Grantee:Aline Bertolosi Bombo
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate