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Study of the reaction 8Li(pix)SHE with radioactive beans of 8Li

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Djalma Rosa Mendes Junior
Total Authors: 1
Document type: Doctoral Thesis
Press: São Paulo.
Institution: Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Instituto de Física (IF/SBI)
Defense date:
Examining board members:
Alinka Lepine; Andrés Arazi; Alberto Jorge Pacheco; Dirceu Pereira; Antonio Fernando Ribeiro de Toledo Piza
Advisor: Alinka Lepine

With the installation of the RIBRAS system at the Pelletron Laboratory, the oppor- tunity to accomplish experiments with radioactive nuclei, such as 8Li for example, has become possible. Experiments using 8Li beam has been subject of interest for the sci- enti¯c community, because reactions with this nucleus allows the synthesis of elements heavier than 7Li at the primordial nucleossynthesis. For exemple, through the reaction 8Li(4He,n)11B. On this work, the 8Li beam, with a half-life of 839.9 ms, has been used for the measurement of the reaction 8Li(p,4He)5He. For these measurements a polyethilene target, CH2 of 6.8 mg cm2 of width, has been used. This reaction is one of those that can reduce the quantity of 8Li available for the occurrence of the reaction 8Li(4He,n)11B. Then, for reac- tion rates calculations a measurement of the cross section of the reaction 8Li(p,4He)5He is important. The 8Li beam has been produced at the primary target, through the interaction of the 7Li primary beam with a 16¹m berilium foil. On this foil, among others, occured the reaction 9Be(7Li,8Li)8Be, which Q is 0.36740 MeV. The 8Li beam produced was focalized by a solenoid at the CH2 secondary target. As the secondary target was thick it was possible to measure the excitation function. This happens because as the 8Li beam penetrates the target it looses energy and accesses resonances on the compound nucleus formed, which on this case was the 9Be. The excitation functions have been measured in four energies for the 8Li incident beam, namely 19.0, 17.0, 14.5 and 13.2 MeV. The obtained data were analysed through the R-matrix formalism using width, spin, isospin and resonance energy (Er) found on the literature. (AU)