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(Reference retrieved automatically from SciELO through information on FAPESP grant and its corresponding number as mentioned in the publication by the authors.)

Performance of hearing skills in children with auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder using cochlear implant: a systematic review,

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Nayara Freitas Fernandes ; Marina Morettin ; Elisabete Honda Yamaguti ; Orozimbo Alves Costa ; Maria Cecilia Bevilacqua
Total Authors: 5
Document type: Journal article
Source: Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology; v. 81, n. 1, p. 85-96, 2015-02-00.

Introduction: Currently, there are no doubts about the benefits of cochlear implants for the development of children with severe or profound hearing loss. However, there is still no consensus among researchers and professionals regarding the benefits for the improvement of hearing skills in children with auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder using cochlear implants. Objective: Review the available evidence in the literature to answer the following: "What is the performance of hearing skills in children with auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder using cochlear implants?" Methods: Systematic review of the literature through electronic database consultation, considering publications in the period 2002-2013. Results: Twenty-two studies met the criteria and were included in the systematic review. Conclusion: The analyzed studies demonstrated that after cochlear implant surgery, individuals with auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder improved their performance of hearing skills and had similar performance to that of children with sensorineural hearing loss using cochlear implant. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 11/04405-0 - Perception of speech in children with disabilities sensorineural hearing spectrum of the neuropathy users of implant cochlear: a longitudinal study
Grantee:Nayara Freitas Fernandes
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Master