Association of birth weight with functional ovaria... - BV FAPESP
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Association of birth weight with functional ovarian reserve during menacme estimated by serum concentration of anti-Mullerian hormone

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Lima, Maria L. S. [1] ; Romao, Gustavo S. [1] ; Bettiol, Heloisa [2] ; Barbieri, Marco Antonio [2] ; Ferriani, Rui A. [1] ; Navarro, Paula A. [1]
Total Authors: 6
[1] Univ Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto FMRP, Dept Gynecol, Ribeirao Preto - Brazil
[2] Univ Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto FMRP, Dept Pediat, Ribeirao Preto - Brazil
Total Affiliations: 2
Document type: Journal article
Source: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS; v. 9, MAY 30 2019.
Web of Science Citations: 0

To investigate the relationship of birth weight (BW) of females born at full term with functional ovarian reserve (FOR) during menacme, based on serum level of anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH), among women who were 34-35 years old. This prospective birth cohort study assessed all women who were born in Ribeirao Preto City, State of Sao Paulo (Brazil) between June 1, 1978 and May 31, 1979. The primary endpoint was serum AMH, a marker of FOR, and its correlation with the BW of females classified as small for gestational age (SGA), appropriate for gestational age (AGA), and large for gestational (LGA). We included 274 women in this study, 19 were SGA, 238 were AGA, and 17 were LGA. The average of AMH concentration was not significantly different (p=0.11) among women in the SGA group (2.14 ng/mL), AGA group (2.13 ng/mL), and LGA group (2.57 ng/mL). An analysis of variance indicated that the three groups also had no significant differences in the percentage of women who had adequate AMH levels (1 ng/mL; p = 0.11). There were no significant differences in the serum concentrations of AMH among 34 and 35 year-old women who were born at full term and classified as SGA, AGA, and LGA. Our sample size allowed detection of major differences between these groups (effect size of 0.8). Association of birth weight of females born at full term with functional ovarian reserve during menacme estimated by serum concentration of anti-Mullerian hormone. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 13/16118-0 - Relationship of birth weight and weight for gestational rate with ovarian reserve in women older than 30 years: cross-sectional study nested in a women's cohort
Grantee:Maria Lucia dos Santos Lima
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Master