Microvariability in the optical polarization of 3C... - BV FAPESP
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Microvariability in the optical polarization of 3C 279

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Andruchow‚ I. ; Cellone‚ SA ; Romero‚ GE ; Dominici‚ TP ; Abraham‚ Z.
Total Authors: 5
Document type: Journal article
Source: Astronomy & Astrophysics; v. 409, n. 3, p. 857-865, 2003.

We present results of a microvariability polarization study in the violently variable quasar 3C279. We have resolved the polarization curves in the V band for this object down to timescales of minutes. We found two main components in the evolution of the degree of linear polarization, one consisting of a flicker with timescales of several tens of minutes and other component with far more significant variations on timescales of a few days. The linear polarization descended from similar to17% down to similar to8% in three nights. The polarization angle underwent a sudden change of more that 10 degrees in a few hours, perhaps indicating the injection of a new shock in the jet. The amplitude of the intranight flickering in the degree of polarization is at the level of similar to1%. These are probably the best sampled polarization data ever obtained for this object. We also performed IR observations and we provide a follow-up of the evolution of this source at such energies after the main polarization outburst. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 00/06769-4 - The Galaxy and Star Formation
Grantee:Zulema Abraham
Support Opportunities: Research Projects - Thematic Grants