Research Grants 18/03571-2 - Anti-infecciosos, Contaminantes emergentes - BV FAPESP
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Pharmaceuticals in the Aquatic Environment.


Drugs for human and veterinary use have been widely used in the modern world and are considered contaminants of emerging concern in the aquatic environment. Due to the physico-chemical properties of these compounds, they can be considered as resistant to the natural degradation and to the conventional treatment of effluents, and therefore, persistent in the environment. Once dispersed in the environment, little is known about the acute and/or chronic effects of these substances and their active metabolites in the biota. To date, there is no regulation that establishes specific limits for the concentration of drugs in the environment, and studies on their presence and dynamics in the environment are still very limited, and in Brazil they are practically non-existent.Drugs and their active metabolites are released into the aquatic environment continuously. Residues can accumulate in the sediment, undergo degradation in the environment, bioaccumulate in aquatic species, accumulate in the fauna, as well as be transported by water. Moreover, the presence of antimicrobials in the environment can impact terrestrial and aquatic organisms and lead to the development of resistant bacteria.The objective of this project is to get an overview of the presence of drugs in the aquatic environment in the Metropolitan region of Campinas, SP. For this purpose, (i) a methodology will be developed to prioritize human and veterinary drugs to be monitored in the aquatic environment based on data on consumption, sales, metabolism and excretion, physical chemical properties, ecotoxicity and removal rates in treatment plants of effluents; (ii) residues of the prioritized drugs will be monitored in the Unicamp Hospital effluent and in an effluent treatment plant by analytical methods developed and validated for this purpose; (iii) evaluation of the use of drugs in fisheries by evaluation of the presence in water and fish and whether the presence of these may cause adverse effects to human health by fish ingestion (exposure assessment).The results to be obtained should provide an overview of the presence of human and veterinary drug residues in source waters and their removal at effluent treatment plants, as well as provide a discussion within the scientific community and government bodies to implement policies for ensure human health and minimize environmental impact. (AU)

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Scientific publications (18)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
ESPINDOLA, JONATHAN C.; CAIANELO, MARLON; SCACCIA, NAZARENO; RODRIGUES-SILVA, CAIO; GUIMARAES, JOSE R.; VILAR, VITOR J. P.. Trace organic contaminants removal from municipal wastewater using the FluHelik reactor: From laboratory-scale to pre-pilot scale. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, v. 9, n. 2, . (13/09543-7, 18/03571-2, 14/50951-4)
DINIZ, VINICIUS; REYES, GABRIELA M.; RATH, SUSANNE; CUNHA, DAVI G. F.. Caffeine reduces the toxicity of albendazole and carbamazepine to the microalgaeRaphidocelis subcapitata(Sphaeropleales, Chlorophyta). INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF HYDROBIOLOGY, . (18/03571-2)
TETZNER, NATALIA FERNANDA; RATH, SUSANNE. Veterinary antimicrobials and antiparasitics in fee-fishing ponds: analytical method and occurrence({*}). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v. 98, n. 15, SI, p. 1354-1369, . (13/09543-7, 14/50951-4, 18/03571-2)
PORTO, RAFAEL SILVEIRA; RODRIGUES-SILVA, CAIO; SCHNEIDER, JERUSA; RATH, SUSANNE. Benzimidazoles in wastewater: Analytical method development, monitoring and degradation by photolysis and ozonation. Journal of Environmental Management, v. 232, p. 729-737, . (13/09543-7, 14/16622-3, 14/50951-4, 18/03571-2)
RATH, SUSANNE; FOSTIER, ANNE HELENE; PEREIRA, LEANDRO ALVES; DIONISO, ANDREZA CAMILOTTI; FERREIRA, FABRICIO DE OLIVEIRA; DORETTO, KEITY MARGARETH; PERUCHI, LIVIA MANIERO; VIERA, ALESSANDRA; DE OLIVEIRA NETO, ODILON FRANCA; DAL BOSCO, SANDRA MARIA; et al. Sorption behaviors of antimicrobial and antiparasitic veterinary drugs on subtropical soils. Chemosphere, v. 214, p. 111-122, . (12/01767-0, 14/16995-4, 13/25670-9, 13/09543-7, 18/03571-2)
CAIANELO, MARLON; RODRIGUES-SILVA, CAIO; MANIERO, MILENA GUEDES; DINIZ, VINICIUS; SPINA, MYLENA; GUIMARAES, JOSE ROBERTO. Evaluation of residual antimicrobial activity and acute toxicity during the degradation of gatifloxacin by ozonation. WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, v. 84, n. 1, p. 225-236, . (18/03571-2, 14/50951-4, 13/09543-7, 14/16622-3)
VENANCIO, WILSON AUGUSTO LIMA; RODRIGUES-SILVA, CAIO; SPINA, MYLENA; DINIZ, VINICIUS; GUIMARAES, JOSE ROBERTO. Degradation of benzimidazoles by photoperoxidation: metabolites detection and ecotoxicity assessment using Raphidocelis subcapitata microalgae and Vibrio fischeri. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, v. 28, n. 19, SI, p. 23742-23752, . (13/09543-7, 14/50951-4, 18/03571-2)
CAIANELO, MARLON; ESPINDOLA, JONATHAN C.; DINIZ, VINICIUS; SPINA, MYLENA; RODRIGUES-SILVA, CAIO; GUIMARAES, JOSE ROBERTO. Gatifloxacin photocatalytic degradation in different water matrices: Antimicrobial activity and acute toxicity reduction. JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY, v. 430, p. 9-pg., . (21/01416-2, 14/50951-4, 18/03571-2, 13/09543-7, 20/13094-7)
CUNHA ALVES, PRISCILLA DA COSTA; RODRIGUES-SILVA, CAIO; RIBEIRO, ALYSON ROGERIO; RATH, SUSANNE. Removal of low-calorie sweeteners at five Brazilian wastewater treatment plants and their occurrence in surface water. Journal of Environmental Management, v. 289, . (18/03571-2, 18/09697-8, 14/50951-4)
ESPINDOLA, JONATHAN C.; CAIANELO, MARLON; SCACCIA, NAZARENO; RODRIGUES-SILVA, CAIO; GUIMARAES, JOSE R.; VILAR, VITOR J. P.. Trace organic contaminants removal from municipal wastewater using the FluHelik reactor: From laboratory-scale to pre-pilot scale. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, v. 9, n. 2, p. 10-pg., . (13/09543-7, 18/03571-2, 14/50951-4)
TETZNER, NATALIA FERNANDA; RATH, SUSANNE. Veterinary antimicrobials and antiparasitics in fee-fishing ponds: analytical method and occurrence(*). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v. 98, n. 15, p. 16-pg., . (14/50951-4, 13/09543-7, 18/03571-2)
PORTO, RAFAEL SILVEIRA; PINHEIRO, RAFAEL SILVIO BONILHA; RATH, SUSANNE. Leaching of benzimidazole antiparasitics in soil columns and in soil columns amended with sheep excreta. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, . (13/09543-7, 18/03571-2)
FERREIRA, FABRICIO DE OLIVEIRA; PORTO, RAFAEL SILVEIRA; RATH, SUSANNE. Aerobic dissipation of avermectins and moxidectin in subtropical soils and dissipation of abamectin in a field study. ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY, v. 183, . (18/03571-2, 13/09543-7, 13/25670-9)
RODRIGUES-SILVA, CAIO; PORTO, RAFAEL S.; DOS SANTOS, SABRINA G.; SCHNEIDER, JERUSA; RATH, SUSANNE. Fluoroquinolones in Hospital Wastewater: Analytical Method, Occurrence, Treatment with Ozone and Residual Antimicrobial Activity Evaluation. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v. 30, n. 7, p. 1447-1457, . (13/09543-7, 18/03571-2, 14/50951-4)
PIVETTA, RHANNANDA COPETTI; RODRIGUES-SILVA, CAIO; RIBEIRO, ALYSON ROGERIO; RATH, SUSANNE. Tracking the occurrence of psychotropic pharmaceuticals in Brazilian wastewater treatment plants and surface water, with assessment of environmental risks. Science of The Total Environment, v. 727, . (18/03571-2, 18/09697-8, 14/50951-4)
DINIZ, VINICIUS; RATH, GABRIELA; RATH, SUSANNE; RODRIGUES-SILVA, CAIO; GUIMARAES, JOSE R.; CUNHA, DAVI G. F.. Long-term ecotoxicological effects of ciprofloxacin in combination with caffeine on the microalga Raphidocelis subcapitata. TOXICOLOGY REPORTS, v. 8, p. 429-435, . (18/03571-2)
PORTO, RAFAEL SILVEIRA; PINHEIRO, RAFAEL SILVIO BONILHA; RATH, SUSANNE. Leaching of benzimidazole antiparasitics in soil columns and in soil columns amended with sheep excreta. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, v. 28, n. 42, p. 59040-59049, . (18/03571-2, 13/09543-7)
DINIZ, VINICIUS; REYES, GABRIELA M.; RATH, SUSANNE; CUNHA, DAVI G. F.. Caffeine reduces the toxicity of albendazole and carbamazepine to the microalgaeRaphidocelis subcapitata(Sphaeropleales, Chlorophyta). INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF HYDROBIOLOGY, v. 105, n. 5-6, p. 11-pg., . (18/03571-2)

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