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From basic to applied science: upgrading the institutional infrastructure for supporting research and agribusiness innovations (PDIp)

Grant number: 17/50338-9
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - State Research Institutes Modernization Program
Duration: April 01, 2018 - December 31, 2023
Field of knowledge:Agronomical Sciences - Agronomy
Principal Investigator:Sérgio Augusto Morais Carbonell
Grantee:Sérgio Augusto Morais Carbonell
Host Institution: Instituto Agronômico (IAC). Agência Paulista de Tecnologia dos Agronegócios (APTA). Secretaria de Agricultura e Abastecimento (São Paulo - Estado). Campinas , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
Heitor Cantarella ; Marcia Ortiz Mayo Marques ; Marcio Koiti Chiba ; Marcos Antonio Machado ; Paulo de Souza Gonçalves
Associated grant(s):23/02256-4 - Application of formulations from essential oils to control agricultural pests, AV.EXT
22/12489-3 - Training in molecular techniques and bioinformatics applied to microbial ecology and monitoring of joint projects in Brazil-Holland cooperation programs, AV.EXT
18/25812-1 - Multi-User Equipment approved in grant 2017/50338-9: gas chromatograph (GC/MS), AP.EMU
18/23539-6 - Multi-User Equipment approved in grant 2017/50338-9: NIR Analyser, AP.EMU
Associated scholarship(s):19/26511-8 - Developing phytochemical formulations for agricultural control, BE.PQ
19/01901-8 - Gene silecing of citrus floema: modulation of infection hypersensitivity by Candidatus liberibacter spp, BP.PD
+ associated scholarships 18/25987-6 - DROUGHT TOLERANCE TRAITS IN COMMON BEAN, BP.PD
18/26033-6 - Composting of urban residues due to plant nutrients recycling and environmental impact minimization, BP.PD
18/26366-5 - Use of UAVs' multispectral images in agriculture, BP.PD - associated scholarships


The main goal of the Institutional Development Plan is to improve the work conditions and the development of products and services targeted to agribusiness production chains. These products and services, developed by the Agronomic Institute, should positively impact the scientific development and those technological packages that brings innovations to the agribusiness. On such a background, two strategic areas have been identified: 'Genetic bases for agriculture' and 'Sustainable Agriculture: jars the rational use of natural resources on producing high-quality agriculture products’. Naturally, upgrading infrastructure of these two strategic areas is a matter or priority for the Agronomic Institute. the main goal of the strategic area 'Genetic bases for agriculture' is to improve the management of the institutional genetic resources, taking into account the conservation, the characterization and the efficient use of germplasm bank accessions. This area targets on the production and quality of agricultural goods, on prospecting innovative products and on identifying high-value vegetal species in the state of São Paulo and in other Brazilians regions. The main goal of the strategic area 'Sustainable Agriculture: towards the rational use of natural resources on producing high-quality agricultural products' is to develop new high-quality cultivars capable of increasing the current agriculture productivity as well as decreasing production costs. Such new breeding programs should also promote renewable energy sources. This strategic area also intends to develop new crop management strategies aiming at achieving maximum use efficiency of water/nutrients and helping crops to cope better with abiotic and biotic stress. The world population is expected to reach 10 billion in 2050, according to the United Nations, increasing both food and energy demand therefore, the use of agricultural technologies should be intensified to meet such increasing demand these technologies or technological packages must address the environmental sustainability by maintaining the qualities that are valued in the ecosystems. Therefore, the agricultural sector should resort to the increasing use of technological innovations in order to promote the quality and the productivity of the agriculture goods as well as the incomes of small-scale, medium-scale and large-scale farms. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
ELISA RAMOS MELO; ELIANE GOMES FABRI; HÉLIDA MARA MAGALHÃES; PEDRO HENRIQUE GORNI; ANA CLÁUDIA PACHECO. In vivo elicitation is efficient in increasing essential oil yield with high anti-inflammatory sesquiterpene content in Varronia curassavica Jacq.. Chilean J. Agric. Res., v. 83, n. 3, p. 369-379, . (17/50338-9, 18/25812-1, 20/16259-7)

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