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Indigenous students at the Campinas State University and the São Carlos Federal University (Brazil): an ethnographic study

Grant number: 18/25259-0
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - Young Investigators Grants
Duration: December 01, 2019 - November 30, 2024
Field of knowledge:Humanities - Education
Principal Investigator:Chantal Victória Medaets
Grantee:Chantal Victória Medaets
Host Institution: Faculdade de Educação (FE). Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Campinas , SP, Brazil
Associated researchers:Antonio Roberto Guerreiro Júnior ; Edilene Alves da Silva ; Elise Capredon ; Érica Soares Assis ; Flávia Vitor Longo dos Santos ; Isabel Cristina de Moura Carvalho ; José Maurício Paiva Andion Arruti ; Juliana Jodas ; Veronica Monachini de Carvalho
Associated scholarship(s):22/15658-0 - Scientific comunication for the Center for Anthropology of Educational Processes (Ceape/FE/Unicamp), BP.JC
21/01537-4 - Kagaiha etu: the production of city life and the kalapalo person, BP.DR
22/04640-3 - Ethnic identity in higher education: indigenous students experiences in Campinas State University (Brazil), BP.MS
+ associated scholarships 22/01419-4 - Ethnography of Indigenous Students' experience Focusing on Students Enrolled in Health Sciences, Engineering and Technology courses, BP.MS
21/08820-3 - Pre-university and university trajectories of indigenous students at Unicamp and UFSCar, BP.IC
20/14887-0 - Mapping inclusion programs for indigenous students at Brazilian universities, BP.IC
20/14680-7 - Indigenous students in higher education: international experiences, BP.IC
20/06205-7 - Indigenous students at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP, Brazil): mapping actors and positions of the debate, BP.IC
20/01011-0 - Indigenous students at the Campinas State University and the São Carlos Federal University (Brazil): an ethnographic study, BP.JP - associated scholarships


This project has a twofold objective: to conduct articulated ethnographic studies on indigenous students' experiences at Campinas State University and São Carlos Federal University, and to create a research area on Anthropology of Education at Campinas State University that focuses on the use of ethnography to investigate educative processes. Brazil's federal affirmative action policies in undergraduate education are one of the most ambitious in the world. However, with regards to the overall scientific production on this topic, there are relatively few qualitative analyses that address students' experience and point of view. This project contributes to fill this research gap by examining through the lens of ethnography the experience of indigenous students enrolled in two public universities from the state of São Paulo, and establishing a systematic dialog with indigenous researchers. We will give special attention to ethnography and the specificities of its use in Education (through lectures and debates). The goal is to create a new research group producing high quality work in the field of Anthropology of Education in the state of São Paulo (Brazil). Apart from its academic relevance, the research results will provide important empirical and analytical material to inform the development of policies that can guarantee an effective inclusion of indigenous people in higher education, a challenge that faces Brazil's current context. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
CHANTAL MEDAETS. A aprendizagem vista pela antropologia: reflexões a partir de uma etnografia na região do Baixo Tapajós. Horiz. antropol., v. 27, n. 60, p. 191-222, . (18/25259-0)

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