Research Grants 19/19527-5 - Geodiversidade, Aprendizado social - BV FAPESP
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Ecosystem services provided by geodiversity and construction of socio-educational processes in protected areas: elaboration of a methodological proposal in the Caraguatatuba centre of the Serra do Mar State Park


Geodiversity is the substrate for the development and distribution of all life forms on our planet, and together with biodiversity, constitutes the concept of natural diversity. Its recognition as an integral part of ecosystems is critical for abiotic elements to be included in broad nature conservation public policies, as impacts to these elements can result in severe losses in the provision of goods and services to society. In the north coast of São Paulo, impacts on geodiversity have been mainly related to pressures for economic development and changes in land use patterns, also affecting protected areas and their buffer zones, which play an important role in maintaining ecosystems. The objective of this project is to develop a methodological proposal aimed at the conservation and use of geodiversity in the Caraguatatuba Centre of the SMSP (pilot area), to raise awareness of the population about the importance of PAs in the maintenance of goods and services provided by ecosystems. A sequence of basic steps was elaborated, as follows: i) Diagnosis - geodiversity assessment, identification of geodiversity ecosystem services, assessment of society's perception; ii) Training and popularization - teacher training, geoscientific dissemination, geospatial technologies in the generation of (geo)products; iii) Involvement and communication - joint activities and search for solutions that involve all social actors. The social learning practices and participatory methodologies permeate all stages of the proposal, built in conjunction with the UC manager and which will address the themes 4 and 10 of the FAPESP / BIOTA - SIMA - FF Call. It is intended that the developed methodology can be multiplied in other protected areas of the State of São Paulo and Brazil. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
MAZZUCATO, ELIANA; DE LA CORTE BACCI, DENISE; DE GOUVEIA SOUZA, CELIA REGINA. Geomorphological Heritage on the North Coast of the State of Sao Paulo: A Perspective About Current and Past Climate Changes. GEOHERITAGE, v. 14, n. 4, p. 19-pg., . (19/19527-5)
BALAGUER, LAURA PEREIRA; MOTTA GARCIA, MARIA DA GLORIA; DE ALMEIDA LEITE RIBEIRO, LIGIA MARIA. Combined Assessment of Geodiversity As a Tool to Territorial Management: Application to Southeastern Coast of State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. GEOHERITAGE, v. 14, n. 2, p. 21-pg., . (19/19527-5)
BALAGUER, LAURA PEREIRA; MOTTA GARCIA, MARIA DA GLORIA; REVERTE, FERNANDA COYADO; RIBEIRO, LIGIA MARIA DE ALMEIDA LEITE. To what extent are ecosystem services provided by geodiversity affected by anthropogenic impacts? A quantitative study in Caraguatatuba, Southeast coast of Brazil. LAND USE POLICY, v. 131, p. 15-pg., . (19/19527-5)

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