Research Grants 20/05471-5 - Fisioterapia, Distanciamento social - BV FAPESP
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Use of self-management strategies combined to multicomponent training to mitigate the effects of COVID-19 social distancing on functionality, physical capacity, quality of life and mental health of older adults


Considering the social distancing (SD), recommended by the World Health Organization due to the pandemic caused by COVID-19, and that the older adults are a risk group, proposing strategies to recovery the possible adverse effects of the confinement period are pertinent. Studies indicate that the use of self-management techniques and health education associated with regular physical activity reduces the sedentary behavior and improves the physical capacity of older adults. Objectives: i) to evaluate the effect of the confinement period on the physical capacity of older adults; ii) correlate changes in physical capacity resulting from the period of confinement with functionality, mental health and quality of life; iii) evaluate the association of multicomponent training with self-management techniques as an intervention to recover functionality, physical capacity, mental health and quality of life after the confinement period. Methods: This is a blind, randomized, and controlled clinical trial. Eighty older adults will be divided into two groups: multicomponent training (Multi) (aerobic, muscular endurance, balance and flexibility) and multicomponent training + self-management techniques (Multi + AG). The duration of the intervention will be 16 weeks. The assessment of physical capacity (handgrip strength, sit and stand the test, timed up and go test, 6-minute walk test, unipodal support) will be performed before the confinement period (T0), after the confinement period (T1) and after the intervention (T2). The measures of quality of life (WHOQUOL-OLD), mental health (GDS-15 and PSS-10), and functionality (WHODAS 2.0) will be performed in T1 and T2. Expected results: the results obtained in this study can contribute to guide future public health policies, aiming at recovering the possible deleterious effects arising from the confinement period caused by epidemics and pandemics. (AU)

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(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
FARCHE, ANA CLAUDIA SILVA; CASSEMILIANO, GABRIELA; ROSSI, PAULO GIUSTI; CARNAVALE, BIANCA FERDIN; LEE, STEFANY; MESSAGE, LAURA BONOME; DA SILVA SANTOS, VINICIUS RAMON; ANSAI, JULIANA HOTTA; FERRIOLLI, EDUARDO; PEREIRA, NATALIA DUARTE; et al. Self-management strategies and multicomponent training to mitigate the effects of the interruption of physical exercise programmes in the pandemic context on functionality, sedentary behaviour, physical capacity, mental health, body composition and quality of life in older adults: a blinded randomized controlled study protocol. Trials, v. 23, n. 1, p. 10-pg., . (20/05471-5)

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