Research Grants 19/25314-4 - Química do solo, Fertilidade do solo - BV FAPESP
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Cover crops affecting less labily phosphorus availability: effects on corn yield and soil quality under pulse irrigation


Brazilian soils generally have high phosphorus (P) adsorption, but plant management have the potential to exploit more of this nutrient in restrictive conditions. Cover crops have specific ways of solubilizing P to improve their absorption. Thus, this project aims to evaluate the changes in the availability and fractions of soil P, besides chemical, physical and biological soil changes undercover crops associated with the residual effect of phosphate fertilization on summer cultivation, in two conditions: wet winter in the south (PR) and dry winter in the northeast (AL). In addition, to evaluate the effect of irrigation water fractionation in drip system on the development of cover crops and the utilization of P from fertilizers underwater restriction conditions of Arapiraca-AL. The purpose of this proposal is the development of collaborative research between UFAL and ESALQ / USP researchers and proposes the installation of two field experiments during two agricultural years with cover plants and sources of soluble and reactive phosphorus: 1) in the experimental area of Federal University of Alagoas, Campus Arapiraca, and 2) in the experimental area of the Federal Technological University of Paraná, Campus Dois Vizinhos, PR, under the responsibility of the ESALQ/USP researcher. Experiments will be established in each site to evaluate cover crop species and phosphate sources, and in Alagoas will also be evaluated the effect of irrigation on the cultivation of both cover and commercial crop, in this case maize. The expected results are from a better understanding of P dynamics under different soil conditions and water availability, as well as a good interaction between research groups, resulting in high impact scientific publications. (AU)

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