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Quantum hydrodynamical instabilities in two-dimensional Bose gases


In low dimensional systems, thermal and quantum fluctuations have a more predominant role inhibiting the achievement of long-range order for any finite temperature. As a consequence, usual second-order phase transitions, such as the freezing of water of the Bose-Einstein condensation in a system of bosonic particles, are forbidden in lower dimensions. Two-dimensional (2D) systems are interesting because a quasi long-range order can be established via another kind of phase transition, the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) transition, resulting from the pairing of topological defects below a critical temperature. For the case of a weakly-interacting two-dimensional Bose gas, superfluidity can be restored via the BKT transition which will exhibit a completely different behavior from its counterpart in three-dimensions. In this project, we will study the superfluid properties of a two-dimensional Bose gas of potassium-39 atoms via the onset of the quantum analogue of two of the most fundamental hydrodynamic instabilities, the Rayleigh-Taylor and the Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities. For that, we will build up a new experimental system combining the latest technologies developed for ultracold atom experiments enabling to trigger the quantum hydrodynamic instabilities and to follow the system's long-time evolution. (AU)

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