Research Grants 06/06222-1 - Geocronologia, Geoquímica - BV FAPESP
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Precollision geological evolution of the Rio Itapicuru Greenstone Belt, Serrinha Nucleus, Bahia: field relationship, geochronology and geochemistry


Field relationship, U-Pb zircon geochronology, whole rock trace element, and Sr and Nd isotope geochemistry will be combined to constrain the geological evolution of the Paleoproterozoic Rio Itapicuru greenstone belt, São Francisco Craton, Bahia. Special emphasis will be given to the precollisional history of the greenstone belt. As a working hypothesis, we will test a model of continental rifting, ocean openning, intra-oceanic arc and final continent-continent collision to form part of a Paleoproteozoic supercontinent. (AU)

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Scientific publications (5)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
OLIVEIRA, E. P.; SOUZA, Z. S.; MCNAUGHTON, N. J.; LAFON, J. -M.; COSTA, F. G.; FIGUEIREDO, A. M.. The Rio Capim volcanic-plutonic-sedimentary belt, Sao Francisco Craton, Brazil: Geological, geochemical and isotopic evidence for oceanic arc accretion during Palaeoproterozoic continental collision. GONDWANA RESEARCH, v. 19, n. 3, SI, p. 735-750, . (06/06222-1)
COSTA, FELIPE G.; OLIVEIRA, ELSON P.; MCNAUGHTON, NEAL J.. The Fazenda Gaviao granodiorite and associated potassic plutons as evidence for Palaeoproterozoic arc-continent collision in the Rio Itapicuru greenstone belt, Brazil. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 32, n. 2, p. 127-141, . (06/06222-1)
GRISOLIA, MARIA FERNANDA P.; OLIVEIRA, ELSON P.. Sediment provenance in the Palaeoproterozoic Rio Itapicuru greenstone belt, Brazil, indicates deposition on arc settings with a hidden 2.17-2.25 Ga substrate. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 38, p. 89-109, . (06/06222-1)
OLIVEIRA, ELSON P.; SRIVASTAVA, RK. The Late Archaean Uaua Mafic Dyke Swarm, Sao Francisco Craton, Brazil, and Implications for Palaeoproteozoic Extrusion Tectonics and Orogen Reconstruction. DYKE SWARMS: KEYS FOR GEODYNAMIC INTERPRETATION, v. N/A, p. 13-pg., . (06/06222-1)
OLIVEIRA, E. P.; SOUZA, Z. S.; MCNAUGHTON, N. J.; LAFON, J. -M.; COSTA, F. G.; FIGUEIREDO, A. M.. The Rio Capim volcanic-plutonic-sedimentary belt, Sao Francisco Craton, Brazil: Geological, geochemical and isotopic evidence for oceanic arc accretion during Palaeoproterozoic continental collision. GONDWANA RESEARCH, v. 19, n. 3, p. 16-pg., . (06/06222-1)

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