Research Grants 10/17589-9 - Adubação foliar, Fertirrigação - BV FAPESP
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Efficiency of micronutrients application and use by citrus trees


Zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn) and boron (B) are important micronutrient for citrus production, which deficiency symptoms are frequent in the citrus groves. Likewise, copper (Cu) has become important in the citriculture, especially in new planted groves. Few studies have evaluated the application of metallic micronutrients applied to the soil and their use by plants, and which showed significant responses on increased leaf nutrient levels and fruit production. These responses depend on the interaction of nutrients with the soil colloidal matrix, and micronutrient sources and rates, which knowledge is important to the establishment of revised recommendations for citrus best management. We emphasize that for high yield citrus groves nutrient demand and efficiency of use become increasingly more important. Based on the above, the overall objective of this project is to develop information which allows recommendations of micronutrients application to the new citrus production systems. The specific objectives are: i) to evaluate the availability of Zn and Mn sources, applied to different soil types, on plant nutrition status; ii) to evaluate the efficiency of Zn sources applied to different soil types, using the stable isotope 68Zn. iii) to compare the uptake of copper and zinc supplied either by fertigation or foliar spray; iv) to evaluate the efficiency of different fertilizer sources on plant growth and fruit quality; To achieve these goals, three experiments will be conducted in a greenhouse, two of which to evaluate the effect of sources and levels of Zn (ZnO and ZnSO4; 1 and 5 g plant-1 of Zn)and Mn (MnCO3 and MnSO4; 0.7 and 3.5 g planta-1 of Mn) applied to different types of soil and a third one, similarly to the previous, with the Zn source enriched in stable isotope (68ZnO and 68ZnSO4; 1.8 g plant-1 of Zn), which will allow a better comprehension of Zn absorption and mobilization by roots of orange trees. Two other experiments will be carried out in the field where Zn (ZnSO4, Zn(NO3)2 and Zn-EDTA) and Cu (CuSO4, Cu(NO3)2 and Cu-EDTA) sources and fertilizer application (fertigation and foliar) will be evaluated. The results will compose the basis for micronutrients recommendation to citrus and will contribute to increased fertilizer use efficiency and consequently to increased production efficiency of groves. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
HIPPLER, F. W. R.; BOARETTO, R. M.; QUAGGIO, J. A.; AZEVEDO, R. A.; MATTOS, JR., D.. Towards soil management with Zn and Mn: estimates of fertilisation efficacy of Citrus trees. Annals of Applied Biology, v. 166, n. 3, p. 484-495, . (10/17589-9, 10/02981-0)
RIEGER HIPPLER, FRANZ WALTER; BOARETTO, RODRIGO MARCELLI; QUAGGIO, JOSE ANTONIO; BOARETTO, ANTONIO ENEDI; ABREU-JUNIOR, CASSIO HAMILTON; MATTOS, JR., DIRCEU. Uptake and Distribution of Soil Applied Zinc by Citrus Trees-Addressing Fertilizer Use Efficiency with Zn-68 Labeling. PLoS One, v. 10, n. 3, . (10/17589-9, 10/02981-0)
BOARETTO, RODRIGO MARCELLI; HIPPLER, FRANZ WALTER RIEGER; TEIXEIRA, LUIZ ANTONIO JUNQUEIRA; FORNARI, RAISSA CAGNOLATO; QUAGGIO, JOSE ANTONIO; MATTOS JR, DIRCEU. Zinc fertilizers for Citrus production: assessing nutrient supply via fertigation or foliar application. PLANT AND SOIL, v. N/A, p. 14-pg., . (10/17589-9, 13/08288-3)

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