Research Grants 05/53808-9 - Algas tóxicas, Macroalgas - BV FAPESP
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Chemical, biological and biosynthetic evaluation of species of red macroalgae of the Bostrychia (Rhodophyta, Rhodomelaceae) genus


Red macroalgae of the Rhodomelaceae family were collected on the Costões Rochosos of the Ilha do Cardoso, coast of the State of São Paulo, where a complex of taxons was observed consisting of Bostrychia radicans f. radicans, B. radicans f. moniliforme and Bostrychia sp. The B. radicans complex was subjected to morphological and experimental studies with the aim of evaluating the vegetative development in different conditions of temperature and salinity. For this purpose, unialgal cultures were established based on the macroalgae collected, which presented excellent tolerance to different conditions of temperature (15 to 30°C) and salinity (5 to 65 UPS). In this way, these species prove excellent matrices for the undertaking of phytochemical studies, since they can be collected independently of climatic conditions, in addition to being able to be kept in in vitro conditions. In the literature, few articles referring to the Bostrychia genus were found, but there is a diversity of metabolites with expressive biological activity described for the Laurencia genus, highlighting halogenated, acetogenin, and sesquiterpene substances with proven bactericidal activity. Thus, the phytochemical and biological study of this complex of taxons is justified, given that substances isolated from the Rhodomelaceae family have presented unheard of structures and often significant biological properties.With the chemical profile established, it will be possible to initiate the preliminary biosynthetic studies using the unialgal in vitro cultures of the algae of the Bostrychia genus, which makes excellent fresh source material for the evaluation of the enzymatic activity in vegetal extracts. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
DE FELICIO, RAFAEL; DE ALBUQUERQUE, SERGIO; MARX YOUNG, MARIA CLAUDIA; YOKOYA, NAIR SUMIE; DEBONSI, HOSANA MARIA. Trypanocidal, leislimanicidal and antifungal potential from marine red alga Bostrychia tenella J. Agardli (Rhodomelaceae, Ceraniiales). Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, v. 52, n. 5, p. 763-769, . (05/53808-9)
RAFAEL DE FELÍCIO; HOSANA MARIA DEBONSI; NAIR SUMIE YOKOYA. 4-(hidroximetil)-benzenossulfonato de potássio: metabólito inédito isolado da alga marinha Bostrychia tenella (Rhodomelaceae, ceramiales). Química Nova, v. 31, n. 4, p. 837-839, . (05/53808-9)
DE FELICIO, RAFAEL; PAVAO, GABRIEL B.; DE OLIVEIRA, ANA LIGIA L.; ERBERT, CINTIA; CONTI, RAPHAEL; PUPO, MONICA T.; FURTADO, NIEGE A. J. C.; FERREIRA, ELTHON G.; COSTA-LOTUFO, LETICIA V.; YOUNG, MARIA CLAUDIA M.; et al. Antibacterial, antifungal and cytotoxic activities exhibited by endophytic fungi from the Brazilian marine red alga Bostrychia tenella (Ceramiales). REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE FARMACOGNOSIA-BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOGNOSY, v. 25, n. 6, p. 641-650, . (10/17178-9, 05/53808-9)

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