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Antioxidant action of resveratrol on oxidative metabolism and apoptosis of neutrophils of healthy dogs and subjected to oxidative stress of uremia


Oxidative stress in uremics patients is associated with the increase of reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated by activated neutrophil and by failures in antioxidant mechanisms. Recently in research funded by FAPESP (proc. 07/06214-1), were obtained evidence that uremia also causes oxidative stress in dogs and change in oxidative metabolism and apoptosis of neutrophils. Although the occurrence of uremia is common in canine species, there are no studies that evaluate the potential beneficial effect of antioxidant drugs in uremics dogs. Resveratrol is a potent antioxidant naturally present in some plants and with proven action on oxidative stress caused by kidney failure in humans. There is a great interest in assessing the action of antioxidants on oxidative stress control of uremia, however little is known about the antioxidant effect of resveratrol on this condition, in particular on the oxidative metabolism and apoptosis of neutrophil. This work aims to test in vitro the effect of resveratrol on oxidative metabolism and apoptosis of neutrophils of dogs, as well as to assess whether this antioxidant minimizes oxidative stress uremic. This will be quantified the total antioxidant capacity, the MDA, as well as the production of superoxide and apoptosis of neutrophils of healthy dogs incubated with uremic serum, in the presence and absence of resveratrol. (AU)

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